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Everything posted by mojo8

  1. sorry biddy, i may have missed something there, was your old loan secured and was the correct procedure carried out for that one, the reason i ask is that the security on your house may be from that loan and just not removed.
  2. andie might be the best person to answer that as she seems very clued up on that area.
  3. well if you have both not signed a loan agreement then there is little chance that you have signed the legal charge document and according o the legal charge document it has to be signed by both owners and witnessed before to be correctley executed and used as a legal charge. I would request from welcome all the documentation and if it does not arrive in the given time then i would go down the disclosre route that andie has taken with them. I dont think they have a legitimate contract for you and they know it.
  4. biddy, do you have a copy of the legal charge document from welcome
  5. probrably the reason why they are changing there name as they could see this s##t coming, cool avatar stewie
  6. biddy65 i would look deeper into that one, i cant see how on a secured loan, one person can sign a loan when there is two owners of the property.
  7. the whole thing feels more complicated than an episode of LOST
  8. that says to me that they are chasing there tails and you will get passed from pillar to post, im having exactly the same issues with them. i bombard direct group with e-mails about 5 times a day asking the same questions everytime and they just say i will be contacted in due course. i think they are colaborating to make sure they get there stories straight before they open there mouths. when i was asking simple questions they were happy to provide answers
  9. it all about damage limitation, even at a lower APR it may well be a way of getting dodgy agreements more secure.
  10. Thats what i mean, branches will close but a couple of strategically placed offices aroung the uk will be used to collect, these will be funded by self generated minimum working capital. There is obviously a lot more to it yet and i suspect that cattles being as devious as they are will probrabley have a legal team as we speak looking at the contracts between them and the banks to try and stop this all happening.... i just cant see how they could get out of this.... therers statement says it all and coupled with what we know on this thread.. they are gonners
  11. I have a sneaking suspicion that we are not dealing with your average welcome employee here. For some reason and no explanation our dealings have now changed offices and are dealing with people that we have not dealt with before. These people may have been drafted in to try and secure as much money as possible by taking a more polite approach, offering re-writes and doing deals, this may also be part of there in-house cleaning and way of getting dodgy agreements either re-written or paid up... just be wary of any offers they make.. and suspicious.
  12. your right stewie, thats a good example in laymans terms. I cannot see how cattles can survive. All revenue collected by the subsideries such as welcome will be blead dry of everything that comes in through there banks and no funds will be fed up through the cattles system. This means that all none essential parts of welcome will close as there will be little working capital to operate with and collecting may be done from strategically positioned offices around the UK, there is no point in keeping offices round the uk open that are going to be a drain on available cash. The banks will look for every available source of cash and asset including secured loan books. There is also all the uncollectable debt and the issues with HMRC, fraudulent insurance policies.... i think we may see welcome round for a couple of months until they have been blead dry. I may be wrong but i hope im not.
  13. I have told them that if i was to do a re-write then the contract needs to be backed up with a breakdown of everything and will be subject to being cross checked by an expert....surprisingly he would not agree, he came back with a new monthly figure instantly but would not disclose the breakdown over the phone ... he told me he would call me today to collect my monthly payment... i told him to shove it.
  14. i cant see how they can survive, the banks will just blead them dry
  15. i guess they will be treated like any other subsiderie of cattles and used to feed back the debt to banks
  16. I had a call last night offering me a re-write if i make this months payment today.... it sounds as if they are desperate to collect as much money today.
  17. whatever happens not a lot will change for us as any loans that can be collected will be collected by whatever source is used. I have read the statement and have given what i think it means and it sounds to me like dammage limitation is the next step......but again i may have mis-interpretated it.
  18. It sound to me like the banks debt is the priority rather than internal loans so all money generated by the likes of welcome will not be fed back up through the business but willl remain with them and other subsideries to allow the banks to satisfy there claims. I think this is bye bye welcome... unless ive read it wrong
  19. nearly as many guests as caggers, must be something interesting going on with cattles today....i wonder
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