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Everything posted by sploits

  1. Hi Billy.G Why did you get the ticket? Where you on private land, private car park? I do believe that they have to prove who the driver is but again I'm not 100% sure. Also there has to be terms and conditions displayed clearly for you to be able to read and it should state that for what every reason you recieve a ticket it will not be in excess of £xxx. If they haven't got terms and conditions in place then how are you supposed to know if you are in breach of their terms and conditions and what the consequences are? That way they could charge you whatever they wanted !!!
  2. Well that is up to you. You have put your point across to them and thats fine. You haven't left them a way of getting in touch with you so again thats fine. Its completely up to you, either way I expect you will get the same result but it is whatever will make you feel better
  3. I would still ignore them. you have done nothing wrong so why waste your time telling them this. Its up to them to prove you were in the wrong so let them do it (which I doubt they will). For them to get in contact with you they have to go to the DVLA and even though I'm not 100% sure about it I think the DVLA will charge them for releasing information. The choice is yours but you should let them do the chasing. Sploits
  4. Hi, I would personally ignore it. I got a ticket for parking on a bit of private land to drop my DJ'ing equipment off. The ticket was for £35 (I think, the story about it is on here somewhere) and i got it in July. It is now 3rd December and I have never heard anything back. Have a look at some of the stories on here about Private companies and how their tickets are more or less worthless. Don't worry about it and have a great christmas
  5. Hi shortwoman. I am going through a similar thing with TBI Financial. I supposedly have a debt with HFC that they bought. I asked for the statements and they told me once they recieved them they would forward them on to me. I then recieved a breakdown of account from them but it was on TBI headed paper with nothing but 3 pages of numbers. there was no details of where the money had came from or anything. Basically I think some spotty kid sat with a calculator and made it all up. I am yet to recieve a copy of the original statement. Anyway back to your problem. Have you been back in touch with them about getting a copy of the original statement? Whatever you do DO NOT PHONE THEM. They have a knack of making you admit something you will later regret. I personally think that the original statement will read a final balance of £0.00 and that is why they wont send you the original. Why would T-Mobile place the account balance as nil on your account if they where transferring the debt to Lowell? doesn't make much sense to me and that wouldn't be something that you would need to see. If you haven't already sent a letter off to them then get one knocked up and post it out asking for the original statements from T-Mobile. send the letter recorded delivery so you have a paper trail of everything. I have had dealings with Lowell in the past over an alleged £9,000+ debt. they haven't seen a penny of it thanks to the advice I was given from members on this forum. Also put in big bold letters I DO NOT ACKNOWLEDGE ANY DEBT TO YOUR COMPANY
  6. Thank you PGH7447 & 42man. I am going to send them a letter asking for the original HFC statements. I will also go to the bank and ask for my statements from 2000 - 2004 (if they can go back that far). I didn't realise I could claim back the late fees etc. I will keep you all posted as to the outcome. Again thank you for all your help
  7. Ok update to what has happened. About a week ago i received a letter from TBI stating that they have on record that I had made a payment in 2004 on this account. They where waiting for the account statements to come through from HFC to prove this and they would forward it on to me. Yesterday I get a letter through from TBI with the following attached: OK firstly this looks like anybody could of knocked this up. It doesn't seem to state where the money has been paid from. Did it come directly from my bank? Have I been paying it by cash over the counter somewhere? Did the magic money fairies start paying it for me??? Secondly Im guessing that they will say that the payments have came from my bank so should I go and get my past 6 years bank statements from the bank or should I send a letter to TBI asking where the payments have came from as I'm guessing they have just sat there with a calculator and made it all up. It also states a default on the account in september of 2005 but when I check my credit file there is nothing there. No account and certainly no default floating around. Where do I go now??? Thank you in advance
  8. Thank you very much 42man. I will get it sorted and out in the post today. Will keep you posted. Thanks again
  9. Hi, A few weeks ago I recieved a letter from TBI Financial regarding a debt of £500+. I was unsure about this so just ignored it. Then I recieved a letter from their Solicitor (which from the posts I have read many others have recieved the same letter). I then decided I would write to them asking for the CCA. I done the standard letter (not signing it) and popped a £1 postal order in and sent it away on the 10th October 2008. It was signed for on the 13th October 2008. I heard nothing until I got a letter through yesterday from TBI with a copy of the agreement. It dates back to 8 years ago. (I have blanked out all my details etc.) Ok firstly it had my signature on it so they have me there. Secondly I dont really remember this at all but do remember the payment amount. I may of made about 3 payments (3 months) but I was only earning £45 a week (Youth Training Scheme) at the time so I couldnt afford the repayments (if I actually paid anything off at all) . Thirdly with the agreement being in 2000 and with me maybe only paying 3 payments (if I actually did) that would mean the debt is 8 years old. Does this fall under the Statue Barred column? Or am I missing something? Any advice would greatly be appreciated. Its not a huge amount but I refuse to pay low lifes like DCA's. Basically **** of the earth if you ask me Thanks again Thirdly
  10. Thanks ODC, I will phone them tomorrow. I already have a reference number with the OFT regarding Lowells.
  11. Hi, just over 2 months since my last post and I am still getting the letters from Lowells andnow Hamptons (all over again). I am starting to enjoy getting them but the last one worried me a little. It stated that they would access my credit file from Experian. Are they actually allowed to do that???
  12. Thank you for that. Sorry been DJ'ing at a wedding last night and then up at 5:40 to do an 8 hour shift at my full time work today. My brain isnt working to great
  13. Hi lamma I'm a little lost now. what is the problem with the wording? Sorry for my stupidity.
  14. Thank you for your reply. I will sit and wait for the letter and then I will be in touch with them accordingly. But until then I'm off on my holidays Friday and while I'm sitting by the pool in the blazing sun drinking my Efes lager I will be thinking about my friends at APCOA................... ha like hell I will. Thanks again nero12 and everyone else for your helpful posts
  15. Thanks for your comments. I have taken out the details from the parking ticket. I went back down to the pub I work in yesterday and was going to get a picture of the sign but the sign has now gone ?!? Also found out that I had made a mistake. APCOA are not working for the council on this instance. They have been hired privately for the company who own the land that I briefly parked on. From what I can gather it is Magnus Homes that own the land. they are turning it all into a hotel. In reading the Private Parking Charges guide I noticed the part about the PPC maybe having to prove I was the driver. They took photos of my car being parked where it was but they have no photos of me actually being behind the wheel of the car. So what do I do now?? Do I just wait for the letter to come through from them (I'm guessing this will come in the next month or so) ??? Thanks again for all your help
  16. Ok here is the ticket that i recieved: The above is the front the above is the back I will try and get a picture of the sign. As far as I know the land is owned by the council. My boss works as a magistrate in our town and has told me I would be best just paying it as they have all the non police court matters in on the Wednesday and this includes APCOA cases for non payment of fines.
  17. Hi, I'm a DJ in my local town and on Friday I needed to take my DJ equipment down to the pub I work in. There is no parking for the pub but there is land right next to it which would be perfect for parking on BUT there is a nice big sign from APCOA saying no parking permitted here at any time. With me having very big speakers that i needed to carry in to the pub I decided to park on the land with the sign on. I got my equipment in the pub and locked up in the back and came out to find 2 APCOA employees by my car. 1 was taking rather nice pictures of my car and the other was writing the parking ticket. I went over and explained to them why I was there and I had literally been parked there for no longer than 3 minutes. They didnt want to know and he handed me the ticket and told me I would have to appeal. so now i have a nice APCOA ticket demanding £30. I'm just wondering if there is anything i can do to fight this ticket? I needed to unload my equipment so I could get it into the pub but I had 3 choices. 1) park on the land with the APCOA sign by it (which I decided to do) 2) park in the middle of the road and block traffic. 3) park in an APCOA car park up the road and pay £1 to park there and then have to carry my equipment round to the pub (not very practical with the amount of equipment I had and the weight). I have 30 days to do something about this or to pay it so if anybody has any advice then it is more than welcome Also APCOA are acting on behalf of my local council. Thanks, Sploits
  18. OK, I will sit back and wait. Thanks ODC
  19. Can anybody tell me if the above letter is OK to send to the Lowell ****??
  20. OK, I have drafted up this letter. Please feel free to add parts or make comments. If it is OK then I will pop it in the post on Friday lunch time. Lowell Financial PO Box 172, Leeds, LS11 9WS Dear Sir/Madam Re:− Reference Number xxxxxxxx I DO NOT ACKNOWLEDGE ANY DEBT TO YOUR COMPANY I recently sent a letter to you, which you received on the 05/01/08 asking for a copy of the credit agreement and I sent out a £1 postal order to cover the cost. The letter was received by Claire Ward. You replied and said you would contact the original lender for a copy of this. To date I have still not received a copy of the credit agreement. Under the Consumer Credit Act you are to supply this to me within 12 days which you have failed to do. I understand that under the Consumer Credit Act creditors are unable to enforce an agreement if they fail to comply with a request for a copy of the agreement under these sections of the Act. I have continued to get threatening letters from yourself and Red Debt so I have taken it upon myself to report you to the Office of Fair Trading. They have given me advice and are putting a case together and have also forwarded my case to Leeds Trading Standards Office and my local Trading Standards Office. The Office of Fair Trading have also informed me that as you cannot prove the debt is mine then you have no right to pursue me for this alleged debt. I therefore wish this matter to be now closed. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully Me
  21. I hope the Lowell family crumbles and burns. I seriously don't know how they get away with what they are doing to people. Plus I have recieved another letter from Lowell now stating the debt was from an old address where i lived with my ex. I can put my hand on my heart and say I never got any credit while i lived with her. I'm also waiting for the nice little postcard from them saying they havetried to call. If I get this then there will be another call to the OFT and get them to look into this. Actually sod it. Im going to draft up a letter and i will post it in this thread and let you read it. I will use parts from the templates on this site and add bits and pieces. Let me know what you think and i will then pop it in the post recorded delivery and see what they have to say about that. Thank you everyone for helping the likes of me out. You are the best we could ask for
  22. Hi ODC. Well after making my post on Friday I thought enough is enough. I phoned the Office Of Fair trading and explained everything to them. They where very interested and told me they would get my local Trading Standards Office involved. They told me to sit tight and i would probably recieve a phone call from the Trading Standards Office and they would dig deeper into all this. They basically said if Lowell cant prove i own the debt then the debt is not mine and they are breaking the law. But also if the threatening letters continue from Lowell then I have to phone them back and see what else they can do. So now I'm just going to sit it out and see what happens. I might send off a letter stating to them that I have now reported them to the Office Of Fair Trading and they are now looking into this for me and unless hey cannot prove the debt is mine then they can basically go boil their heads.
  23. Hi, Well the letters are still coming. I have been getting letters off Red to my previous address but again I ignored them. I have just bought a house with my girlfriend and low and behold a letter pops through the letter box from Lowell Financial saying they had this debt and wanted me to pay up. Its exactly the same letter that was sent to me the 1st time i ever recieved one. I'm basically going round in circles. I am going to send a letter again to Lowell's asking for a copy of the CCA. As you may have read above, i had already done this and never recieved anything back from Lowell's. I just want it all sorted and them to go away without a penny from me. Does anybody know the best way for them to basically take a running jump and leave me alone? Or do I just accept that for the rest of my life I'm going to get threatening letters each week from 1 of their pathetic DCA's ????
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