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Posts posted by postggj

  1. You are thinking of sanitary provisions an employer must provide


    As this is an entertainment venue that accepts fee paying and non fee paying members of the public onto its land in mass, the organizers will have to provide adequate sanitary facilities. This comes under the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999


    You need to confirm this but i would think legislation attached to the Environment agency will be applicable as well.


    Your best be will be to contact the local authority Environmental health department, they will tell you the maximum number of toilets that have to be provided at any one time. The council may have its own special provisions or bye laws in this scenario


    Contact the



  2. So they have now agreed the extension as to CPR 15.5 have they, that is 2 days after the dead line to submit the defence to the court has passed, that is convenient (NOT). They will now have to answer the defence submitted. Time is now on our side, lets see what the postman brings from Hagarty


    Get a print out of your credit file showing the welcome default, it might be under IND if not welcome, but get a print out, take up Experian on their 30 day free offer if you have to, then cancel before the 30 days are up

  3. They most certainly are low-paid, just like anyone else who works but is currently entitled to WTC and who will transfer (eventually) to UC. It's just that other low paid people won't have their own colleagues cracking the whip at them.



    Having the draconian attitude given to anyone is abhorrent after being a victim of it myself. But i cant help thinking of Deja vu on those benefit staff who have enjoyed their moment of power and relished inflicting misery on others.


    Then reality kicked in, the front line job center benefit staff are only a fraction of people employed by the DWP, It is the staff you do not see in the back rooms that are going to suffer like every one else

  4. This may take a simple email to your past employer stating that you intend submitting a claim to the Employment Tribunal Service under section 13 Employment Rights Act, unlawful deduction of wages and request they send you those documents with immediate effect. Mention you have spoken to ACAS


    Ask them to make provision to collect any outstanding company property as it is unreasonable for you to comply with their request for you to return the property


    I am of the opinion your past employer is being totally unreasonable


    that may wake them up a bit

  5. Excellent information and I would hope that the TV company are made aware of this...



    It would not surprise me if the TV production company did not know the true extent of this companies past behavior


    At the end of the day these programs are no more than to titillate the viewers, Motorway Cops, Get Dom, Rogue Traders as examples


    These production companies are complicit in the actions of who they portray as their only interest is in viewing figures, and selling the documentary to the main TV channels


    The reality is that this company will rise like the phoenix under a different company name and new consumer credit licence

  6. Under the DPA organisations are generally required to ensure that personal data they store is "accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date, such as the credit reference agencies


    Credit agencies have no co-extensive common law duty of care to ensure individuals' credit data is accurate as they rely on third party accuracy




    The Court of Appeal has allowed the appeal in Smeaton v Equifax, to cries of relief from credit reference agencies and many other handlers of complex data



  7. But the very act of placing a default credit marker with the credit agencies is in its self will show financial instability to any future creditor. This all seems to be about quantifying any loss suffered, not damage to indirect credit reputation


    I contend that the very fact of placing a negative marker, even in error is defamatory to a persons good name and needs redress


    When this is heard in the supreme court, all these anomalies will be ironed out and a decision given that all creditors and borrowers will have to abide with as it will finally give clarity

  8. QUOTE

    If successful this will strengthen the claim of anyone who wishes to make a claim as they will not have to prove specific damage


    Kpohraror v Woolwich Building Society [1996] 4 AER 119


    The above case proved that loss to credit reputation and general damages can be awarded with no specific loss


    The fact damage to credit reputation was enough to award general damages

  9. We might now get a final decision on this, judges in the lower courts have been holding back and playing safe until this has been decided


    Thanks Unclebularia


    Fingers crossed for Richard for taking on the establishment and getting it to the highest court in the land


    Not bad for a Commoner

  10. I have just read a thread which i can only contemplate as a travesty of natural justice


    Does anybody know if Richard Durkin has had his appeal in the Supreme Court, and if not, when the appeal is being heard. This matter really does need case law to decide the issue of unlawful defaults


    It is all to do with this case that was heard in Scotland


    RICHARD DURKIN v. DGS RETAIL LIMITED+HFC BANK PLC, 26 March 2008, Sheriff J K Tierney

  11. Sorry, it was 8 k awarded. NOT 10





    121. In these circumstances and standing such a recent decision where the claims appear to have been treated as being capable of existing together, I find that the pursuer is entitled to an award for the general damage to his credit in addition to an award in respect of the actual loss flowed sustained. Having regard to all the circumstances I consider that an appropriate award would be £8,000.

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