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Everything posted by questioner

  1. this is the ticking off from bc to rw last paragraph is intersting tho
  2. page 2 of RW idea of a CCA request - dont think even forensics could decode this lot.
  3. It has nothing on but barclay terms. Looks like a truck has run over it........
  4. Thanks DD - you have kindly showed me what a dodgy CCA is (I seem to have a few posted up on here which are hard to read) but have yet to have experience of any DN stuff. ---------- Right – I think you will love this. As you know I fought Crudite Sulutions for some months and they finally closed the account – then it went to Rubinosn Wee . I have today received a letter of RW with what they think is a copy of a CCA – its just 2 pages of incredibly badly copied terms and conditions from Barclaycard. And the bet bit is that they have also enclosed a letter from BC which seems to tick them off saying “ As you now mange the debt it is your responsibility to provide the statement of account as required under section 78” It’s rather comical as they seem to be at eachothers throat over me. CAN POST UP IF YOU WISH RW are also asking me to settle up in light of this fiasco and seem to be running around like headless chickens over this. I think this explains why CS close the account R Wee to have cocked up by taking it on..
  5. These clowns hounded me for months then later closed the case when they could not give me a CCA - I am now complaining to the governing bodies about them.
  6. I get the dodgy agreement bit (illegable and all that jazz) but not sure about the other thinbs you mention. DN? = DEFAULT NOTICE - what does that do or not do? and "unlawful termination"? I thought that was what we wanted - them to terminate the account so it was closed. I must seem stupid to you. sorry. Plesae excuse my ignorance but I am trying to get the handle on it all. All sounds like light at the end of this dark tunnel tho I wonder tho why they entered into dodgy agreements in the fits place? Do they not realise the trouble this will possibly create for them later on?
  7. Have you ever know them to close an account due to our pressure like this? My claim to CAG glory so far is making Crudite Sulutions close an account . It is possibly still flying around tho as Robinsin wee tried it on with me later and I told them to go away. Like you, I only wish to conclude all debts alleged or true ones at that.
  8. Oh yes - I had forgetten about that, nice one, starting at 10% offers eh. I should have mentioned that Cl flip also sent me a page with their CCA attempt called 'Statement showing the state of the account ' This gives the .... Acc no. Amount due overdue amount arrears under concessionary arrangment (which is £0) and its signed and dated by a nice CL lady, this month I didn't scan this one, but just the 2 pages above.
  9. Ok DD will do Thanks very much I seem to be getting a collection of "illegible" CCAs now from BOS, Worst crud and now CL flippers. What ever will I do with them all? I get the impression that its all about playing for time with them but I would really like to see some close the accounts down entirely ........
  10. Does this suffice? Dear Sir/madam Thank you for your reply to my request under the Consumer Credit Act section 78. In your response you confirm (15th July 09) this as a true copy of the original agreement. As you must unquestionably be aware, the documentation that you have forwarded to me does not conform to my CCA request s 78. I cannot interpret these two sheet copies (which may I believe be unconnected) so I obviously can’t be expected to make any well-informed decision as to its authenticity. Please note: Until such time that you provide me with ‘easily legible’ documents, in accordance with the cancellation notices and copies of documentation regulations 1983(2), you will remain in default and may not make charges or interest to the account, may not enforce it or refer it to third parties and may not place adverse information with any third party about the account Until which time C xxxx properly complies with their obligations under s78 you will remain in default. I am granting to you a further 21 days to produce a copy of an executable agreement. After that I will deem that the above account is closed and that you will no longer pursue the alleged debt. After this period you should close the file and stop processing any personal data relating to me on this matter.
  11. No Probs DD as I can pinch bits off my other letters which you have helped me to furnish. I just looked at the Is your thigy enforcable thread but I think I just get more confused here. I may be best sticking to the regular tack of it being illegible - which is quite true for some parts of it. I think the prescribed terms are there A and B I could also add to the letter the fasct that I am not certain these two pages are even connected. This was just a set loan allegedly
  12. great - as you may see it is hard to read.
  13. I flicked through it last time but was thinking that coz the CLF doc was badly scanned (like the others) all I had to do was send them the IN DISPUTE until you give me summit you can read letter. Therefore I may just send such a letter and see what they do.
  14. No - I cannot see anything that says one relates to another. There is some CR number at the bottom right corners which may be the same but - its hard to read. The left hand side of the terms and Conditions is illegable. Not 100% sure what to say to CLf over these particular scans.
  15. Not too certain but we think it was signed at home. Are you saying that they are in order with this CCA though DD? "but are the PRECRIBED terms all there " I have no idea about all this.
  16. "MY objective is to get rid of my debts and dealing with sloppy DCA and OC 's suits me just fine" I will second that DD - makes good sense! what do you think about the last scans ??? the black marks on page 2 are as they sent to me and nothing I have done.
  17. CL Fenance have sent this 2 pager as a go at a CCA request... Opinions please and what to say back to them......... this is the 2nd page of it and these terms are a bit blotchy
  18. 4 - yes Thus, in light of this we need to be one of the rest in order to drive them into closure in order to make them compromise their position over the account in question because its not worth the final risk (via our complaints) or time and cost in chasing it up?
  19. Thanks Dicky - that's good enough for me. My bank said "sorry" as they had inadvertantly made a payment to BO and snot after I had stopped the standing orders a while back. Now all stopped! The impression I am getting in all this fiasco about UK DCAs is that they are run on chaos, unfeeling hate for their targets and materialistic greed. I will not underestimate their abilities though and not stop complaining over the way they treat us.
  20. so best to stick with dispute rather than serious dispute? I want to learn PS - as I asked before - do I have to write to bank of scot to tell 'em that the accounts being managed by BO and Snot are in dispute or not? Are they not supposed to tell their client, over the desk, what the hell is going on?
  21. meaning the more time and docs behind the case the more SERIOUS it is deemed???
  22. Maybe tell 'em ................... I consider this account to be in SERIOUS DISPUTE. As you are aware while my Consumer Credit Act request remains in default enforcement action is NOT permitted, under s127 this constitutes a complete defence at law. Consequentially any legal action you pursue will be averred as both UNLAWFUL and VEXATIOUS. Now I would respectfully suggest that this account is returned to xxxxxxxxx for resolution of these defaults and breaches, as xxxxxxx cannot lawfully pursue any enforcement activities. If xxxxxx chooses to ignore my dispute and attempt enforcement, I will initiate legal action and file reports with the appropriate authorities, including, but not limited to, Trading Standards, Office of Fair Trading, Information Commissioners Office, Financial Ombudsman Service and possible court action. After taking advice, I am of the opinion that any continued pursuit is in violation of the Consumer Protection From Unfair Trading Regulations 2008 in line with the Office Of Fair Tradings Collection Guidelines I suggest that you demand that xxxxxxxxx must HONESTLY clarify this issue for you so that your company does not progress into yet more breaches over the current CCA regulations, which I may be forced to report to the governing authorities. The onus is clearly on your company to address this issue rather than expect me to spend time, expense and inconvenience herein. Yours faithfully
  23. LOL. I have slips from my RBOS saying that the standing order was cancelled effective from 22 June yet the payment of a quid was received, according to the Bank of S, on 22 of July. Odd? Another funny thing is that on a monthly basis the interest since last autunm on this account had dropped a quid per month from 43 to 36 quid - why?
  24. B O ands Snot that took on the bank of scot accounts and have not managed to honour any CCA requests this bank just sent a Your Personal Loan Statement to me and my partner. As you know from the 2 page scan (that only holds my name) a few pages back they gave me that copy of a largely illegible “application” form (according to DD). I told them they were in default and also in default over all the other accounts, which they have ignored my CCA requests for. I cancelled standing orders to BO and Snot last month and yet on the statement from the bank they say that instalments are still going out. Does it take a while for them to stop or..? The interest (about 30-4O- quid a month) on this lot has grown since 2006 when it allegedly commenced and now there is another thousand quid on this one account alone. Initially CAB asked them to halt interest but they seem to have ignored this. This all seems very wrong I cancelled the payments last month, asked for a CCA and they are still banging on MEGA interest and not honouring the CCA requests properly. And I have told then it’s in dispute. . I intend to now ask my bank (RBOS) why they are still paying my tokens to the Bank o S All pretty confusing now. ps Utter daylight robbery them banging on up to 42 quid a month interest on an accout that is paying a quid a month tokens too I believe. Just thinking - should I tell Bank of scot that the account is in dispute? I have only said this to their strong arm BO and Snot who are handling the account. Maybe Bliar O and snot have NOT told the bank lads on the other side of the desk?
  25. Thanks Crapstone I will keep you up to speed with what happens with this one and the rest. I now only need a hint of trouble to get me complaining in. I want to moan about Rubinson wee too about the way they hounded me for a debt that Crudite solutions had closed.
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