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Everything posted by powerful_rogue

  1. Hi and welcome, Your best option is to read the FAQ section HERE. Should you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
  2. This is a very interesting topic. I received a letter back from Abbey today stating once again that information held on microfiche is not covered under the DPA. This was in reply to the microfiche letter at the top of the forum. Im now stuck with what do do. Do i just sit and wait for them to arrive, write them another letter, or start court proceedings to get my statements? In the meantime, im going to sit here and eagly watch this thread! Good luck to you.
  3. Im downloading the excel spreadsheet and using it on open office. For some reason the open office spreadsheet isnt working.
  4. Superlucky, Its nice to know that theres someone else in exactly the same position as me! (not nice for you, but you get the jist!) Im not sure what to do. I have no idea on how much the charges would add up to, so would not want to put an estimate in. So that only leaves the options of waiting or getting them to disclose the information in court. At the moment im probably in the position where I'll wait for the statements to arrive, but im still annoyed that they are willing to give me the information held on micrfiche for £10, but are not willing to treat it as a DPA.
  5. Vampiress, Im having the same problem. Thought I had to count back how many days have passed since august 2001! I have downloaded the basic spreadsheet a few times but it still shows up with #NAME? in the "Days since offence" and "interest at 8%" fields. I am using open office as I dont have excel. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  6. Ive been trying to work out the interest at 8% using the spreadshhet. Is there an easy way to work out how many days have passed since the charge was taken on is a case of sitting at a calender working it out? I tried looking for something online where I can put the date in and will tell me, but have had no luck! Any ideas?
  7. Hi, Just had a read of your thread. Feel a bit better now knowing that its just a standard letter they send out. Was contemplating phoning Rose Frimet and explaining that I know they have paid out in other cases and it will save us both a lot of time if they paid up now. Its quite frustrating being at this stage and not being able to commence proceedings until Friday!
  8. Well I sent the letter to Abbey regarding the microfiche argument What action do I now need to take to get my statements! DPA request sent, Microfice argument sent....whats the next step?
  9. Well i sent a letter of accepting the £277 but not as full and final settlement. Letter received back from Barclays this morning Now im guessing that this is the daunting stage where i have to issue court proceedings. Problem being I am unable to do this until next friday as that is payday. As I wont be keeping to my schedule, will that throw a spanner in the works? Any advice at this stage is greatly appreciated.
  10. Bookworm, my apologies, I should have added that I have done a search but unable to find anything in relation to Sainsbury. I currently have three claims going on -Capital One, Abbey and Barclays. I did a lot of reading up back in April before I took on these. Was just looking to see if anyone had taken on sainsbury yet. Many thanks for your reply.
  11. Thats fair enough and can see where your coming from. Im still nota 100% sure about it myself. The part im going on is that I had a credit limit of £200. My card was at £191, and because I missed a payment I was charged £18 for a late payment, and then £18 for going over the limit - even though it was the charge that took me over. The card was not used for any purchases after that. I received in total £252 in charges. The rest was interest added each month based on the outstanding amount. So as the total grew with the charges being added, so did the interest. Ive sent the letter off now, but is it looking unlikely I should pursue asking for the default to be removed?
  12. Hi, The default shown on my credit record was for £481. When the default was registered I had incurred £252 worth of charges. The remained between the two was made up of interest whilst the account was active. I ahve not sent a s10 letter, just the prelim letter with the section requesting the default also be removed. Something else interesting. I made a partial settlement in Dec 2003 (at the time I was under the impression it was a full settlement. I now know it left £16 remainign on the account up until now). When I signed up for the card in 2001 I took out card protection at £50 every three years. In Sep 2004 I was charged £50 to my account even though the card had been closed! I only found this out today. After a few phone calls to Cap one and a few to the card protection team, I managed to get the fee refunded. I found it quite worrying that no statements or letters had been sent to me telling me about this. Had it not been for this webiste and me requesting my statements, I would have had £50 added every three years. As i was under the impression the account was fully settled, I would have had a big surpise one day!
  13. I took out a loan with sainsburys. I missed payments and defaulted. The loan was passed to a debt collection agency and I paid it all up. Has anyone taken on Sainsbury yet, and if so, is it exactly the same procedure? Many Thanks
  14. How would you word a letter if you was sending in result of the above act?
  15. Thats cool, thansk for your help. I will send the letter off today. If anyone else is in this position then it would be great to hear from you.
  16. Well is seems the DPA non compliance letter worked. Statements arrived on the doormat this morning. Adding it all up, the charges come to £252. My credit limit was £200. I was upto £191 on my card and missed a payment. Due to this £36 was added on (late payment fee and over limit fee) which took my account over the credit limit. Since this happened, no other purchaces were made, and the remaining balance is made up purely of charges. As mu credit limit was only £200 and I have incurred £252 worth of charges, am i in a position to ask for the default to be removed? Many Thanks
  17. It is extremely unjust. I just received a new copy of my credit file through. I would advise people to use www.checkmyfile.com - They charge £19 for 3 months worth of checks, which also shows you when your file is updated in those three months and covers equifax,experian and callcredit. I was expecting my credit rating to have gone up since everything has been paid off, and was quite disapointed when I was given 1 star out of 5. One of the credit cards I was paying off is still shown as defaulted. My final payment was in 2005. Not only did the company not bother to update my file to show the accout was settled, they made no mention that I was paying it off monthly. So due to the above thats having a very big impact on my rating. I gave them a call and was advised he would tell the dept that update the credit files. This will take about 7 days. He was unable to tell me if they would backdate the settled date. I was also advised that the default would be removed as it would serve no purpose being on there as the account has been settled and paid in full. Now im not getting my hopes up as I know ive got no other choise but to wait six years. Its amazing how incorrect some of the information they give you can be. As all ready asked, does anyone know if credit report companies are private and public? What would be the best course of action to tackle them?
  18. So to clarify, If i sent a letter off to capital one requesting this information and they were unable to provide this, could I apply to get my default removed even though the account has been settled?
  19. Nope, when I applied for my job, part of the application process was a credit check. Obiviously I had to agree - however should I have refused then I doubt my application would have got much further.
  20. Thats my whole point. Six years from when the account is settled appears excessive to me. Why cant the default be removed once the accoutn has been settled?
  21. Anyone else got any views on the matter? If i was to send the above record to equifax etc...im presuming there will be a delay each time I was to go for something that needed a credit check, is that correct?
  22. When I contacted equifax I was informed it six years from when the account is settled. I will have to call again and confirm now!
  23. A website that can provide information in relation obtaining my credit agreement for £1 where the company only has 12 days to send it. Want to have a read up on it so im aware of all the facts before i send a letter.
  24. Looks like its one of lifes little mysteries!
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