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Posts posted by angel_1

  1. hiya all


    been away as got a virus on my pc and now have a lovely new pc to work from it s fab


    anyway im going to include this type of questioning in my last letter to them and if i dont get a decent reply back within 7 days im off to the fos, like you say it will cost them 450 to investigate and as im including letters to mps too, i m out to rattle a few more cages along the way too who is going to look at this seriously for us all since we now have an election looming8)


    will check in later angel x

  2. hiya gang


    back with a new spanking pc, as i think i got some old virus flu as well as the pc, and now ended up with a lovely new pc, shame im still old and weary though:eek:


    never mind, hoping i can stay online now for so much longer and i can keep up to speed with you all


    mind you i need my learning cap on this windows 7 and other stuff is all so different its like a new Toy yipeeeeeeeeeeee


    have a fun day off to do some offline chores but will be back this eve


    laters angel x


    ps hope you all get out that cellar pretty quick LMBO

  3. oh by the way the mould, they deffo didnt comply from what I can gather, sorry took a while for my brain to get into gear, any tips on how to put my defence forward, and if I get it thrown out could Halifax then send a compliant default and start this all over again?? thanks :smile: I know lots of questions but if i dont ask I'll never know x

    p.s a thanks to angel as well, support is a good thing to have when going through things like this xx



    You are very welcome, i can look back now and totally understand all your questions and fears, but almost 18 months down the line since i took control of my situation albeit at the start i wasnt facing court action, but the support cag has given me has and still is amazing


    but as this is also is a self helping forum with lots of stuff to read up and learn, pls take time out to read as many other threads that mirror your situation as you can its the solid way to learn and soon you will be empowered with the knowledge each day


    keep positive laters angel x

  4. hiya wish me well


    you are now with cag so pls do not panic at this stage yet, keep reading around the forum and read up on other halifax threads, and save any that could be useful to you,


    whilst im sure other more experienced caggers will come along soon the forum will help in other ways too even a bit of moral support:cool:


    ive saved your thread and will check in again tomorrow and if i find any info will link to you


    take care angel x

  5. then if EC take an action against you they will be stuffed- because you will ask for proof that they own the debt and unless they have proof of a special or signed for delivery of a NOA to you from either the OC or themselves they will fall at the first hurdle



    Hiya diddydicky and tigercub


    this i didnt realise so in essence it would be something we can request from them way before any court action then? i need to look at our file and im pretty sure not signed for anything when it was passed to these muppets from mbna mind you sent them a cca request and got a lovely direct debit form back to sign to pay them a nominal monthly amount without interest, still waiting on cca;-)


    good luck everyone continue the battles laters angel x

  6. Hello Elsa and the gang:D

    finally got to read your invite today as ive been a bit busy offline so thank you elsa for not forgetting about me

    well thanks to all for the laughs this morning i really needed that

    belated wishes for your anniversary wow 8 years you wait till you get to 24 this year for us :p very happy to say though but 30 years when we first met :cool:

    oh i wish i was young but with the knowledge of today wouldnt that be cool to go back into time ;)

    anyway have a fun day and catch up with you all laters

    hugs angel x

  7. hiya grace


    just subbing to your thread if i may and looks like you have had some solid advice from sigsoldboy which ive learnt from too so cheers;)


    im in a similar position that id tried to pay off the overdraft from last year and was making a dent but now with 30 pounds a month im only reducing the overall balance by a little bit more what extra i pay in over the 30 hence im frustrated with the balance of things


    but im on my final letter to them before i go to fos, but on another thread the mention of weekend days not being banking days i wonder if that could be an angle we could exploit to not have charges made on the account just grasping at straws but hey ho


    anyway catch up laters take care angel x

  8. hiya


    like ravenbluemoon, that is a thought if you are constantly in the overdraft as i am as its not my main bank it was an overdraft id started by reducing with monthly payments since middle of last year and now im trapped even further as my payments go 70% towards the monthly fees and thus im reducing my balance even more slow than a snails pace!


    im now thinking about the weekend days they are not banking days and thus im paying 1 pound a day as i cannot credit the account with any large amounts to avoid the charges in the first place but surely i wonder if we can challenge the weekend days in some way at least thats 8 or 10 pounds a month towards my debt


    i would like any legal argument or wording that could help in putting this accross what do you all think?


    cheers catch up laters angel x

  9. hiya monty


    im not sure if you should just wait for them or let the court have a copy of their letter


    im learning all this legal stuff as i come across stuff and if i dont know something i ask and ask lol - what ive learnt is not to totally trust creditors with their "nice" approach:lol:


    im a bit of a tenacious old bird and i just am a little cynical with all this nice responce so i m hoping someone of the legal section will advise you if it is okay to wait or if you have to do something to protect yourself if you get what i mean:wink:


    anyway will look in later tomorrow for any updates


    keep positive laters angel x

  10. hiya


    you are very welcome, another thing have you requested or intend to request your credit files?


    then you will see what is exactly showing against your credit file, when i had an agreement set up if i recall correctly it stated arrangement in place however, as i was only paying a lower amount than the minimum amount i got defaulted too hence my question if you ever have had a default notice or not


    they may see how you run the paying set up, and may never default you who knows, i just know that the more i learn the more each creditor appears to behave differently,


    at least your credit files will show you exactly where you are with each creditor and then you can make a more informed decision on what you ultimately want to achieve


    have a fun eve laters angel x

  11. hiya


    well it ultimately your choice in whats best for you and your credit file but if you are paying less for the time being, it will poss show as an agreement set up on your credit file anyway, have you ever received any default notice from bcard?


    for a 10 year old credit card agreement and for your peace of mind if i was you i would request a cca for a 1.00 postal order and then we can see if its enforceable or not


    also if you get the cca and its correct and all legal then of course you could request these 12.00 charges back or at least get to a point to negiotiate that they dont charges this as when are you actually ever going to pay it off


    just my mere humble opinion like i say its your call what is best for you and how you wish to handle is


    certainly request in writing from them to explain the 12.00 charge and what you can do if anything to avoid this from being added, at least then we can understand also the real reason what they are doing


    have a fun day laters angel x

  12. hiya fingers and all


    im fine thanks just loads happened in the past 6 months, and back to deal with stuff in a more efficient manner now lol


    i have to say that from learning each day a little more i am of the opinion that you have to do whats really best for you and your family


    i came to realise that yes whilst my credit file is important for me, by the time id looked at remortaging which was my priorty thought, it was not that important as ive fixed my mortgage on a rate that is reasonable acutally the same as the svr and just paid 125.00 to fix it, whilst if i had to move to anothe lender would have poss ended up paying fees etc and my credit file would have had to be almost perfect


    so for me and my family im not having any more credit,from banks, but im involved in my credit union so if i need a loan with my savings there in an emergency i know im able to and i can plan the payments too in a better way for me ie pay the minimum and pay more when i can without being penalised and the quicker paid off less interest paid


    perhaps you have to look at it in another way like hp mum and diddydick say - diy and do the best for you and your credit file


    mine is shot to pieces so know that for now i have to get to a decision by reaching the best resolution for me and family


    have a real hard think and hope you reach the best solution for you


    have a fun and sunny day laters angel x

  13. trueCall system working excellently . . . Ah, the peace it has brought.







    hiya hughes690


    FANTASTIC - i totally agree, worth the money i spent on it - and yes you cant believe the silence in the house, but after over a year now using it, its brought my sanity back


    keep spreading the word :p:-D


    laters angel x

  14. hiya lisa


    good morning, well this is a first that i too have been made aware of


    im sure that this could end up being a good topic for the legal savvy to debate about


    im subbed to your thread now and hence now bumped up hoping someone of an expert will come along soon and give us both a bit of an answer


    i agree surely the card number is generated after not whilst so an online application would surely need to go through their credit checking processing first before an account number is generated


    keep positive and lets see what we can do about this, well at least the cpr rules allow further insight for you if it ever gets to court stage


    am interested what others now advise too


    laters angel x:)

  15. Hi Pedross, :)



    So obviously tomorrow night I'll be inviting you all for dinner at the Ritz, and making a very large donation to CAG. (And that will be a genuine invitation.)




    hey dd, have caught up with your thread here blimey what a whirlwind, waves hello to the usual crowd too:D


    invite out, hey dont forget little ole me, family been ill past couple of weeks, dd still recovering so only past few days been on here to catch up with all


    keep your pecker up and yes i cant believe it, ive actually got noels book, must get that out again and read it again maybe this time my cosmic requests will be more positive


    anyway take care all catch up soon and elsa whats happening to the new thread dont forget me lol


    laters guys angel x:cool:



    By the way on your case ive just thought, maybe a bit of a long shot of sorts, but surely her company and the accounts that she legally needs to keep, could you ask your barrister if it could fall under the umbrella of money laundering issues, since she cannot or will not verify trading accounts i wonder if this could be deemed to be inappropiate accounting, i wonder who could investigate that avenue, i may be totally out of my mind suggesting this angle but hey maybe another nail in the coffin so to speak


    keep positive

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