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Found 2 results

  1. I have been a customer of vodafones for several years and never had any real reason to complain. However over recent months the level of service they have provided me has been worse than abysmal and I'm looking to wash my hands of the company. I have two numbers and each has had issues as follows - Line 1 - Three months ago i received a text message telling me that I was nearing the limit on my data for the month. Within 2 minutes I received another telling me I had used all my data and another 2 minutes later a third text arrived telling me I was over my data and had been charged an extra £6.50. Now I was not on the internet at the time, in fact I never use the internet on my phone unless I'm on wifi, and so could not understand why I had gone from near to over my limit in this fashion. I contacted Vodafone and they agreed that the messages had been sent in an inappropriate manner and therefore they removed the charge of £6.50. The following month I received a text message telling me I had gone over my data limit and was being charged again. I therefore rang 44555 and got the automated line to send me a text message telling me what my balance was. Lo and Behold it showed that I was in fact not over my limit and so after contacting Vodafone again they agreed I had been charged incorrectly and credited off the charge. The same thing happened again this month and they have had to credit my account. All of this is bad enough and has made me question my custom with the company but it pails in comparison to the issues I have had on my second line. Line 2 - This number was eligible for an early upgrade and my wife (who uses this number) wanted a new phone so I contacted Vodafone and did all the necessary to get it done. This was last friday (11th September) and we received all of the usual order confirmations and tracking info as you do. The next day however I was sent a message telling me that the order had been cancelled. Upon calling Vodafone it turned out that the person who had taken the order had done it incorrectly and therefore the order had not gone through. Having had about enough I opted to not continue with the upgrade with the thought of letting my contract run down and moving on. THe wife wasn't keen on this idea and so I ended up completing the upgrade via Carphone Warehouse but obviously staying with Vodafone (yeah I know I shouldn't have but anything for a quiet life). So the new handset arrived but as with new phones the sim was a different size and so I contacted Vodafone to complete a sim swap. Monday evening a member of their team told me that he had done it and that it should be complete within an hour. The following morning my new sim was still not on the network and so I contacted them again. The second person I spoke to told me that the sim swap had not been done correctly the night before so they would complete it for me. This conversation ended with the promise that it should be completed within two hours. Nine hours later and with still no connection to the network I contacted Vodafone for the third time and was told that they couldn't see what was wrong but that they would put the swap through again and that it should be done in an hour. Another night came and went but the following morning the swap had still not been done so I contacted a fourth different member of the Vodafone team who told me that it was still going through and would be done in half an hour. 12 hours passed and I was still not on the network so I contacted Vodafone for the fifth time and was informed that a new swap request had been put in that morning (this was not what the fourth team member had said earlier that day) and that I would have to wait until 9am the following morning. Well that was this morning and guess what......no sim on the network. My sixth contact with Vodafone yielded the information that in fact the swap had failed as they are now claiming that the sim card is faulty and that I should therefore go to a Vodafone store and get another one. I am beyond frustrated with this situation and coupled with the problems with them overcharging me every month I have had all I can stand. I have emailed the CEO of Vodafone with a breakdown of events on both numbers along with the request that both of my lines with his company are terminated with immediate effect as I have absolutely no intention of remaining with the company and also have no intention of paying any termination fees. My case has been passed to whomever deals with these matters and I am awaiting their response. In the meantime I have stopped using both phones and am putting PAYG sims into them for the time being until the situation is resolved and I can move to another compnay. The question is are Vodafone in breach of the terms and conditions of the contract I have signed with them? It reads as follows - 2.1 Vodafone shall use reasonable endeavours to provide Customer with the Services and to ensure the security of Customer’s communications at all times. Could it be argued that they have fallen down on the reasonable endeavours to provide me with services? I don't think it can be but I'm just trying to arm myself with as much ammunition as possible in my fight with them.
  2. Good afternoon everybody So as the title suggests I have had an on going problem with Vodafone since the start of the year and has taken more of my time then I care to highlight. In short.. At the start of the year my discount which was supposed to remain on my account until the end of the of the contract was removed. This caused me to receive a much larger than normal bill. I promptly called Vodafone who advised the only thing I could do was cancel my direct debit with the bank and pay the balance separately which I subsequently did. After I've set the direct debit up again with Vodafone they have now said to me that they have been unable to take the direct debit from my account due to Natwest rejecting it the last 2 months which is a blatant lie as I used to work in banks and know exactly how a direct debit works and Natwest have also confirmed that there have been no requests from Vodafone. In short Vodafone have tried to take the direct debit under the old reference and not bothered setting up a new one. Which I have told them everytime I've spoke to them. I have requested Vodafone sort this out and requested the accounts department or the escalations team call me to resolve the issue, which as you can guess did not happen. I have once again spoke to Vodafone today and the agent was rather passive aggressive and quite rude quite regularly interrupting me and clearly not understanding what I have told him nor did he read any of the notes left by the previous agent. Can anyone advise what I can do to resolve this. Is there some sort of ombudsman who can look at this and sort the problem as quite frankly if a bank was to do something like this with a credit card they would be quite promptly fined by the appropriate regulating body. It is quite frankly ridiculous that I have had to make at least 3 phone calls to resolve the issue and still not have a resolution to this matter. Bearing in mind all of this began at the beginning of the year due to Vodafone's error with the discount. Ultimately I am paying this company to provide me with a good quality service which is obviously not the case. What exactly am I paying for here why on earth should I bother sticking with an organisation with such an awful level of customer service. In actual fact overall I have had to make far more phone calls to Vodafone since renewing my contract then I have ever had to make to any organisation I have ever had to deal with. I expect considerably better from a FTSE 100 company but obviously the reason they are so big is because they are clearly paying peanuts to monkeys.
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