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Found 3 results

  1. Hi, I wonder if someone can help me with this I am coming to the end of my tenancy and will not be renewing with my current letting agent. They have told me they will start arranging viewings within the next month, and that they will give me 48 hour notice prior to each viewing. I work 9-5PM and would much rather be in the property while someone is viewing it however they have told me no, and that they will enter whatever time is best for the potential new tenants. Is there anything I can do about this? There is a clause in my tenancy agreement that says I allow the landlord or letting agents or anyone with written permission from the landlord to enter the property at "reasonable" times of the day providing they have given 48 hours notice. Do I have a leg to stand on here? I would much rather they arranged the viewings while I am at the property? Many thanks for any advice!
  2. My father passed away recently, leaving my stepmother living in the bungalow they owned. My father made a will before his death, and I wondered if I have a right to view the will. I have no doubt that my father wished his wife to occupy the residence for as long as she is able. There are family on her side who may have a claim on the residence, so I just wanted to be clear on my fathers wishes. Is this reasonable? Paul.
  3. I've been filing self assessments for several years now due to renting a house out and would like to view my previous submissions, the gov.uk site only seems to allow me to view the last two and in different formats, one being every field available regardless of whether I entered anything. is there a way to view more & in a consistent format? Thanks
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