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  1. Good afternoon, I've had a bit of an issue with Virgin Media which started out with what I assumed would be a simple and relatively easy house move / purchase in October this year (2016). N Both addresses have the same services installed, cable, telephone line - so it was intended to be a simple move out, move in - call to activate blah blah blah. First months bill came through (all the trimmings of the first bill, migration fee etc), however 23rd of October Virgin Media tried to bill me £53.69 on my old account via the old account's Direct Debit. It bounced due to my bank account being empty at the time, ! I called up the service desk and told them that I'd received a letter (to my new address might I point out) stating that the direct debit for £53.69 had bounced and that I was required to pay £53.69 immediatly. About two / three days later my old landlord had posted some bills for my old address that arrived from virgin media through my door. I checked the bill and low-and-behold it was the bill for £53.69. Whilst on the phone to the lovely lady that migrated my services service's, I had asked to be walked through the process of which one step is that they take the remaining balance from the old contract at the old address and add it onto the new contract for the new address - which I thought was ok as it meant I'll be paid up. with the above information I had received and empowered to not let this issue go any further - I rang their customer support desk and ended up being routed through VM's (Virgin Media's) Indian call center. The gentleman I spoke to was great, he looked through the issue and told me that I wasn't required to pay them a penny and that it was simply a mis-understanding or human error which could be rectified there and then. as any bewildered and incredibly happy customer does, I simply waited for him to say "Thank you for waiting Mr. Customer, I've fixed the issue on your account - your E-Billing portal should update within 24-48 hours." to which I replied with glee: "Brilliant, but am I going to receive any future letters regarding this?" to which he tells me not to worry as the issue is all sorted and that the outstanding balance had been rectified and to ignore any future correspondance. It's now the first week of November and I'm still seeing my old (what should be inactive) account on my E-Billing portal which should have been closed off by now, I decide to check it . I begin to fret slightly due to the fact that it's still reporting that I owe £53.69. I'm slightly confused, I call through to their customer service desk and once again I am routed through their indian call center. At this point I'm more upset than I was the first time I called, due to the fact that I was promised verbally that I would not have this balance any longer. I re-explain the issue and the situation, another gentleman glances over the account and comes to the same solution as the first that it was in fact human error and that he would also fix this mysterious balance of £53.69. I wait some more, the agent comes back and tells me that it's now fixed - having less faith than the last time I called I explain the situation and ask for something more promising than a verbal statement of that "it's now fixed, don't worry - you won't receive any more letters or bills" - to which he says that he can't - so I ask for a second time, "am I going to get any more letters", he responds in kind with "No Mr.Customer, you won't receive anymore letters after today" . So I leave it there. 13th of November and I get a bill for the old (not at all in-active) account stating that I owe them £53.69. At this point I'm begining to dispair due to the fact that this will have been the third call I would make to their customer service desk, in some form of attempt to rectify the issue. I end up being routed to VM's indian call center to a third gentleman to whom I end up explaining the situation to, he agress that this is a waste of time and that the previous two agents hadn't actually rectified the issue I'm told he will rectify the issue and that he'll raise a complaint relating to the human error surrounding how my move of services was handled as it appears it wasn't handled correctly. I'm then informed that he had rectified the issue and that I should hear back from the complaint within 10 working days , he then passes on a complaint reference number (which I've lost, along with the first bill that relates to this issue) and that I can ignore any further correspondance until I hear back from the complaint - so I cancel my old direct debit through my online banking portal. I wait 11 days, no written or verbal correspondance in relation to my issue at all but by this time I'd received yet another letter headed "we are sorry to hear you are leaving", reminding me that I still owe them £53.69. I once again check my E-Billing portal to find that the old account is still there and still reporting an outstanding balance of £53.69. I call to check on the status of my complaint and end up being routed to VM's call centre in Ireland. Again the lady I spoke to was fantastic, checking the issue told me that the issue was resolved so the complaint was closed and that there was no need to inform me of such. I mention that the issue has now spanned a total of 2 months, 2 bills, a letter stating that I was leaving, several phone calls and that the E-Billing portal was still reporting that I owe £53.69 . Doing her due dilligence, she decides to check the old (and rather overdue for closing) account - which resulted that she discovered that none of the three previous agents whom I had actually spoken to have done anything about and that's the reason why I "apparently" still owed money, and why my E-Billing portal was still showing that I owe £53.69. she decides to apply a "mis-applied billing correction" adjustment (a credit) to my account of £53.69, which I can see on the E-billing portal so I'm quite happy and she informs me that it will take up to 24 - 48 hours for the online portal to update. I ask if there's anyway that I could have it in writing that I would no longer receive any further correspondance from VM relating to the moneys that has been confirmed several times that I do not owe, and she says the best she can do is put it in an email. of which I'll post below: " H....! As we discussed on the phone tonight the balance on your old account of £53.69 at ADDRESS REMOVED has been cleared off now. I apologise for all this hassle you have had with this however I can no assure you that no letter will come out for this again. Kind regards Shiona Lachlan Virgin Media -------------------------------------------------------------------- Save Paper - Do you really need to print this e-mail? Visit virginmedia.com for more information, and more fun. This email and any attachments are or may be confidential and legally privileged and are sent solely for the attention of the addressee(s). Virgin Media will never ask for account or financial information via email. If you are in receipt of a suspicious email, please report to virginmedia.com/netreport If you have received this email in error, please delete it from your system: its use, disclosure or copying is unauthorised. Statements and opinions expressed in this email may not represent those of Virgin Media. Any representations or commitments in this email are subject to contract. Registered office: Media House, Bartley Wood Business Park, Hook, Hampshire, RG27 9UP Registered in England and Wales with number 2591237 " 22nd of December, I arrive home from work to find another letter from virgin media - this time it's a default notice. In a panic I ring up and get hold of a gentleman from the Irish customer service desk. Explained the issue in depth once again (plus the email that I received) and that it was starting to take the preverbial to a new level - of which he agreed, checked the account but had discovered that the previous agent from the Irish call center had actually mis-applied the "mis-applied billing correction" onto the wrong account. She in fact had credited my new account with £53.69 instead of the older account. he explains the situation and tells me that in order to actually "fix" the issue, he has to apply a credit to the old account and then debit the new account to rectify the mistake the previous agent had made - I agreed this was the best course of action and away he goes. However he sends me a screen shot of this correction, showing my account is now zeroed. He also then sends me yet another email stating the work he carried out and that I will not receive any further correspondance relating to this issue. This issue has now spanned a total of three months and I'm still in the same position as I was back in October, due to querying the outstanding balance on the E-Billing section for my old account yesterday only to discover yet another human error related issue - same issue so I'm not going to beat a dead horse any longer. Today I'm awaiting a call from a manager in the Irish call center, due to the fact this has gone on for so long and also the fact my issue has not actually been resolved in any of the last five phone calls I had made to the customer support desk over the last 3 months, including the last attempt on the 22nd of December. I'm at the point of giving up and cancelling my contract with VM not just because their E-Billing portal is an absolute joke, but because I'm currently dispairing at the fact that this has gone on for so long now and that I could be taken to court for their internal mess ups with no apprent sight of resolution. I've also been brushing up on the terms and conditions and will be demanding compensation for the stress this has put me under and the sheer amount of human error involved. If the users of this forum have any advice for me, it would be great if you can share it. You can reach me here, or by email which I think is in my profile. I'll also post updates to my situation after I've had the call with this "manager". Kindest regards,
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