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Found 2 results

  1. There is now an All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Fair Business Banking. I know from the years that I have been on CAG that many have found themselves in dispute with their banks and when it comes to SMEs in this position, there is really nowhere to turn. The FOS is of little or no assistance and the legal route is usually financially impossible. That is where the APPG comes in and is working hard to change things so there is a level playing field. Here is a link to the APPG site http://www.appgbanking.org.uk/ The APPG site tells how you can become involved and it is also currently asking for case studies for the forthcoming inquiry. Here is a link to that: http://us15.campaign-archive2.com/?u=4db7ef3d08358a0aafbe5f312&id=e9e076cf4e My particular case revolves around LPA Receivership which has been discussed extensively on CAG and this is one of the many areas the APPG is looking into. If you require any further information, please contact me through CAG. Thank you, Joan Keeley
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