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  1. Hi guys, Bought a PS4pro at launch day, its always been a noisy sod, but thats normal apparently. 19months on, and it's just died. I played it at 9am, 10am I went to have some medicine. Came back to play at 3pm, and it wont come on. Dead. Tried unplugging it, safe mode reboot, everything recommended that does not involve taking it apart in any way. It's dead, apparently its a power supply unit error, something which has affected thousands of PS4's since release. Where do I stand on getting this fixed? My warranty is only 1 year, but what about the 2 year warranty I should get in Europe for the sales of electrical goods, that Dominic Littlewood and various others go on about... Do I take it to Sony, or to Argos who sold it to me? What about the Sales of Goods act? does that help me, or hinder me? I cant prove it was sold with a fault, but I can prove (via showing internet searches) that thousands of PS4pros suffered faulty PSUs since release. Any help is much appreciated
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