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  1. Hi, hopefully im in the right place im after a little advice without anybody judging me as finding it hard enough already Age -22 (now) Ive had a problem gambling addiction and have manged to cause myself around 10k+ of debt Without the Loans and the credit cards ive been in a vicious circe with payday loans Such as MyJar-2 Loans wonga-11 Loans Piggybank-8 Loans Sunny- 9 Loans Basicly taking one loan out to pay the other ect been going on for around 2 years now and wouldnt like to know how many loans ive received off the above 3. now ive heard stories unsure if there correct people are recieving refunds due to irrisponsible lending (does this class as that or not) Im not clued up with any of it so as much help as possible please. Many thanks
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