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Found 1 result

  1. Hi All, I recently received 2 PCN for parking on the pavement on consecutive days (the car didn't move). I don't deny I parked on the pavement but (!): 1) the "pavement" isn't usable by pedestrians, doesn't lead anywhere and is dangerously overgrown with brambles 2) there are signs around the area stating that pavement parking is allowed and the markings on the pavement are now completely invisible. 3) although, in theory parking off this tiny section of pavement is allowed and wouldn't block the road, it would make passage harder especially for vans. There wasn't a car parked opposite when I parked but there was one just behind. As I don't live on that road I was trying to be polite! 4) the first PCN for was for code 62 (parking with one or more wheels on or over a footpath) but the second, issued less than 24 hours later was for code 622 (with the same description). The parking site is on the rail side of Avalon Close off Whatley Avenue, SW20. Unfortunately as I've only just joined the site I can't post a link but google streetmap shows the area really clearly thought the brambles are about a foot further out from the fence now (yes the car was pressed hard against them! The front of the car was well back from the dropped curb by approximately a metre. Is there anything I can do other than appeal and expect two rejections? £110 seems a lot to pay for 2 days of trying to park considerately! Any thought gratefully received. Cheers John
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