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  1. Hopefully someone may be able to help on this one: After leaving my last rented property our landlord refused to pay back our deposit and it had not been protected in a protection scheme. we lodged a small claim on a N1 form to the county court, which was checked at the court when we originally lodged it. The claim was under the s214 housing act 2004 for and ordered that the defendant repays the deposit and an order to pay 3 times the amount of the original deposit. we have recieved back a defence letter stating that the claim should have been entered on a N208 form and the case should be thrown out by the judge. i have a few questions: 1. can the judge throw it out due to this? 2. if yes can we submit the correct form to this case before it is thrown out? 3. if the case is thrown out can the judge order the DPS to release the frozen deposit or can we revert to the DPS to get the remainder of our deposit back? any help would be muchly appreciated Thanks
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