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Found 1 result

  1. What on earth is happening with the Metro bank? The new bank which was going to put all the old traditional banks to shame. "Love your bank at last" is their motto but maybe it should be "Love your bank the last". We opened an account with the Metro a few years ago because they appeared to be full of promise and anxious to get away from the traditional model of unfair, inefficient, profit minded, conveyor belt customer treatment. We've had a pretty good experience with them over the years but this year it is all started to turn to a disaster. We are now finding that they are careless with personal data, unable to keep us informed of pin number changes or to send us the necessary bank cards with PIN numbers that work. Try to call them and you get bombarded with apologies – and "we know how you feel" and, do you mind if I call you by your first name – and "how do you feel today" as well as promises to call you back – which never seem to happen. We've now been without an active card against our account for over a month and still just getting promises. Right now, I received a promise that they would call me back within three minutes – but that was pretty well 10 minutes ago What a shame.. It was such a hopeful project. Maybe they become tired of being a good bank. There must be some explanation for this system's failings..
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