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Found 2 results

  1. Hello, I've recently found this forum extremely helpful. A couple of weeks ago my wife, in desperation to pay a bill, tried looking on some internet loan sites. Well as you can imagine, this led to broker's fees even though she said she clicked cancel at the last minute. Two companies have been contacted by phone, email and letter and have said they will give a full refund. Fingers crossed. But a third, 'CreditMaze', refused the recorded delivery letter we tried to send. We have just finally gotten them to answer their phone and they say that they can only give us back £30 of the £70 they took from our bank. They claim it's an administration fee. Is this true? Thankyou.
  2. Hello to all. New and don't want to tread on the toes of anyone by posting in wrong forum. I've looked and searched - honestly! - but can't find the one I need - I think. In brief, I owed £12 on a TSB visa card. I paid it. Unfortunately they got it a day late and charged me £15 interest. Unfortunately again, I had then moved, never to used the card again. 36 months later a debt collecting firm have contacted me saying I now owe £64 with the accrued interest on the £15 interest, and it's gone on my credit rating thing. So, could anyone direct me to the correct sub-forum please to ask for advice. Thank you. Paul.
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