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Found 2 results

  1. Hi, hope you can help? Recently I received a letter from Toyota advising me that they have identified a possible safety issue regarding my vehicle. They have found that the front passenger airbag inflator may have been assembled with improperly manufactured propellant wafers. This could cause the airbag inflator to rupture and deploy abnormally in a crash. My vehicle has had full Toyota service history, the last service was October last year when this wasn't picked up then. I'm wondering what I should do about this? Thank you for your time.
  2. Hi Guys, I made a HUGE mistake in thinking I could get away with a manufactured ticket as I have been facing money problems. I always buy a weekly train pass when I have meetings at Warwick but decided not to on this occassion and simply manufctured my own (such a stupid idea). I was travelling from Leamington to Wolverhampton (£18 fare at best) I got caught and after asking the train guy to fine me on the spot he decided to take my details and send off to the rails company. I am so stressed as I am already being made redundant from work and now I face the possibility of going to caught for Fraud! Has anyone faced a case like this and what was the outcome? I have never committed any crime before and I regret this offence 100% although I know that this isn't going to change what I have done. I havent yet received anything but after reading a few stories I am absolutley bricking it! Any help or advice would be great!
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