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  1. Hi Guys, Some guidance would be hugely appreciated please. I've been working in a frontline NHS department for three years, and previously another three years in another department. A new Dr started working here approx' two years ago and made his strong religious beliefs widely known. He's made a few comments here and there regarding his disapproval at my same-sex relationship amongst other things, albeit always polite (and slightly condescending) He has also made comments to nursing staff regarding his disapproval at their being pregnant whilst unmarried etc. Several members of staff, me included, have raised our concerns informally about this. A few weeks ago however this Dr approached me whilst I was working alone (as usual) and told me he had seen the news regarding gay marriage and said it was "a very sad day for the country". I said that I preferred to call it equal marriage and thought it was wonderful news. Then followed about ten minutes of the most offensive (weirdly polite) rant. He said God was not not happy for me and that he would appreciate the opportunity of changing my thoughts about my sexuality. He said I would be his "ultimate". He said I needed to think about the end of my life and what was beyond it and kept repeating that he wants to try and change my thoughts. Eventually I said that I did not believe in his God, or in pixies and faries for that matter, and what exactly would he like to achieve by following me around asking for the "opportunity". I asked if he would prefer if I ended my 17 year relationship. He said yes. I told him if he ever tried to have this conversation with me again I would tell him to F*@k off. I'm 38 years old and felt like I was 14 again. I was so upset. I actually felt like I was seedy / dirty. I reported him to his lead consultant and an investigation has started. But what has really p*@sed me off is that for two days following the formal allegation we continued to work alongside eachother with him repeatedly trying to speak to me. Hence I was pretending to be on the phone, hiding in the loo, making excuses to leave the department etc. Eventually after two days I took a days holiday on the last day so as to avoid him. Is this right?? Shouldn't he (or I) have been sent home or put on garden leave?? I have been on leave and have to return on Tuesday to attend a two hour formal interview (recorded) and after which will be starting my shift in the department although thankfully he will be off that day. During that day several of my colleagues will be removed from work to attend meetings of their own as witnesses to my complaint. My stress is absolutely off the scale. I'm not sleeping, am taking sleeping pills, can't concentrate on anything else and have never felt so tense in my life. I considered speaking to my GP and possibly taking stress-related time off whilst this investigation is ongoing (a couple more weeks) but am also worried that this would prohibit me from also attending these complaint related meetings also? (From HR's perspective?) I don't want to have to use up all my holiday leave either. Any help here would be enormously appreciated. Thanks. Stressedreceptionist.
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