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Found 2 results

  1. Just a bit of initial advice. Just had a friend on the phone who has received a NOE from Andrew Wilson. Background; Friend split from his wife and moved out. He has moved in with a friend for the time being. He had a dispute with his accountant over extra fees that were charged that he did not agree to. He is not sure if this went to court (told him to check credit file) but I feel that it may have done. AW say they will be visiting the address he is now living at on Monday. He is the director (sole) of his Ltd company and the NOE is in that name not his personal. He has no personal possessions (other than clothes) where he is now living but does have the company van, tools etc. I have told him to register on here to give the story in more detail but he won't be back from work until after 5pm. Any advice that I can may be give him. Thanks
  2. Hi there, I was given a CCJ last year which I only found out about after applying for a credit. It was from a solicitor who ive had a long running battle with about his fees. I dont agree with what he has charged me, but have offered to pay what we agreed, just not the additional that he has charged without my consent! Anyway, after going back and forth for some time, i applied to the court to have the CCJ set aside and we have a date for the end of the month. In the meantime, the solicitor has harassed me every day saying my case is hopeless and to drop the case and has sent a High Court enforcement officer to my home who put a letter through the door. I called the officer and told him the case had gone back to court and was in dispute and he said OK, that was around two weeks ago. The solicitor emailed me a few days ago and said he would be instructing him again and I've just had a man at my house banging on the doors, both front and back and also my windows! This is at 8.30pm and I'm a single female home alone!!! I presume it must be the enforcement officer, I obviously did not open the door as I was quite scared. Whoever it was didn't put any paperwork through the letter box. I just wanted to know what my rights are? Surely he cant do anything whilst the case is in dispute!? Thank you
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