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Found 3 results

  1. Hi all. Had a Debenhams store card that ran for a number of years with a high credit limit, that I used, it peaked at 10K at one point. I had PPI throughout most of the time I had the card, eventually paid off the card in total then ran up another 1.5K debt. Suffered a job loss and my claim was rejected because I was self-employed. End result was the debt was sold on to CL Finance and I ultimately had a CCJ registered against my name (a default action because I stupidly missed a court hearing in 2009). I'm minded to file a claim for the miss-selling, what, if any, options are open for me to have the CCJ removed? CL have not followed up on the CCJ, I only found out by accident they were granted a judgement largely due to an insecure mail box (had an identity theft occur in 2009 too because of that). Any ideas gratefully received.
  2. Hi, I have had an claim ongoing against Santander for some time now & it has been before the county court for over a year now. To cut a long story short they have lost the case & judgement has been made against them but they disagree with my calculations but surprise surprise I disagree with theirs. The matter claim is now for the court to decide but I was wondering if there was anyone on here that could give me the benefit of their experience & look at my calculations & what Santanders solicitor has put to the court & give me some advice on the matter. I can post the details here or can send them privatley to someone if that would help. Thanks in advance for any help someone can give me.
  3. Hi all, I've been browing pursuing some claims of my own that I started before I discovered this great site but I've been browing & have read some of the great advice here & was wondering if anyone had some advice or a view on how I should proceed. I am attempting to recalim a mis-sold PPI policy on behalf of my mother that was charged to her Debenhams store card operated by GE. I initally challenged the PPI on the grounds that at the time (Sep 1993) it was sold my mother wasn't working, despite providing a letter or redundancy & other documentation as proof of this they refused to accept the misselling or refund any payments. Send DPA requests back in June & received an incomplete bundle missing statements with no data prior to 1994. I responded that they had not complied with the DPA request & received a response that they have supplied all they have & in their view have complied. Sent a final letter threatening court action to enforce the DPA request & have today received a further bundle which is still incomplete. The reply today states that they feel they have complied with my DPA request as they have supplied all that they have & do not have to supply anything older than 6 years. Given the proof of mis selling I was tempted to just file a claim in court the trouble is without the date of the PPI fee's charged this is near impossible. Their reply today did state that the total fees paid for PPI ere just under £1900 which I find hard to beleive given that the fees charged from 2005 to 2009 when it was cancelled total £1100. I just don't beleive that from 1993 to 2005 a total of 12 years the fees only totalled £700. However even if this is the case without knowing the payment dates it's almost impossible to calculate interest on the payments. I was wondering if anyone on this board had any view or advice on where I go next, do you feel that they have met the DPA request & are they only required to supply data back 6 years as I always beleived that it was 6 years after the cancellation of the contract. Thanks in advance.
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