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Found 3 results

  1. On behalf of friend.. Hi all, my friend owns and lives at in one of three flats at an address in Surrey. Repairs were needed to roof as was leaking. There is no freeholder/landlord - known as 'absent landlord' and a deed of covenant for the address was signed by all leaseholders. Within this document, the process for repairs and splitting payment is explicitly relating to such an issue. i.e. majority decision rules and costs to be split three ways. In any case, all three tenants agreed to proceed with repairs after reviewing quotes. All tenants were consulted and agreed to the repairs. now one of them is refusing to pay saying there was no proper section 20 notice. My friend is c£2.5k out of pocket The non-paying tenant's solicitors have written to him saying there is no liability to pay and for any correspondence to directed to them. Letter Before Action was sent before receiving this letter directly to the defendant - and then forwarded to the solicitors too. Questions are simply: 1. Who is 'the Claimant' when using MCOL - the person or the solicitors 2. Any other advice is welcomed thank you v much for reading
  2. VFR flight-planning and navigation software: http://www.skydemon.aero/ Get an Ipad, load it in.
  3. Hello all, I need some advice, well actually my boyfriend does. He and his ex-partner took out a credit card with Santander, he tells me he was the main cardholder and her name was added as a second card holder. She has now buggered off leaving him with a repayment of £6000. Santander then took her name off the account, leaving him the owner of this debt!! What a bitch I know. Anyhow, can they take her name off the account without his permission? He wants to pay half and then pass the debt to her, but I don't think it will work that way? But I'm not sure? Any advice would be most grateful. Cheers lovely people.
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