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Found 2 results

  1. In short: Had an accident on Sunday night, (fault in dispute). Rang in to report and as damage to our car meant it was not drivable they organized recovery. All well and good at this point. Come Monday we get a call to say they'd received a third party claim and did we know about an incident. Explained we'd already reported it which they had no knowledge of (despite having our car!). Rang in today and they said they didn't think we wanted to make a claim!! News to us and did they think they could just keep our car and we'd somehow forget about it? Totally unbelievable, it's now Wednesday and they don't even know where the car is let alone what's going to happen next.
  2. I could really use some help please. My husband is a soldier so we move around rather often. Upon moving into our house in York the utilities were already with Scottishpower. I called them up and gave our details for bills ect and thought that was that. They then proceeded to attempt to add the previous people's 3 months worth of arrears to our account. At this point I refused to pay anything until they resolved it as I didn't know if I was paying our bills, theirs or a joint combination. We kept the money to one side for when they'd eventually sorted it out. 5 months down the line they finally sorted it I was all ready to pay the arrears we had due to not payment while sorting the matter out but it turns out they'd GROSSLY under estimated the bills (ours) in an effort to sort the situation out I asked if we could do a payment plan and they stated we had to pay at least half of the arrears or they wouldn't do a payment plan (even half of the arrears was double what we had put to the side) and they gave us a cracking great monthly payment of £280 which we can't afford. I have offered them £50pm on top of our monthly bill to cover the arrears however they won't accept it. Now it's been 12 months since we moved in I've paid 1 bill in that 12 months as they are still refusing to help (now the bill stands at a little over £2,000) They are telling me that I need to pay a lump sum to set up a payment plan, pay in full or have a meter installed which not only will the army housing not allow but I can't get out to top it up as I have a son with very severe autism and a young baby. I've made efforts to sort this but they won't budge. I have asked how much our standard monthly plan is and they won't tell me because it includes the debt so I can't even make an "offer" to them because I don't know what I am offering on. Could I get some help in reference to sending them an offer through the post? PLEASE HELP
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