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Found 2 results

  1. I paid £299 for a DC50 from Isme catalogue, paid it in full when the statement came in. The vacuum is terrible its flimsy, it doesn't collect pet hair like it says and its generally poor. I have been passed from pilar to post, Isme say its nothing to do with them, and Dyson say that I am to contact the retailer. It is not fit for purpose nor useable for the expected standard nor has it been used for a expected used of time. was delivered early june opened mid july and have called and reported this several times. Can anyone help with who is going to be responsible for helping me!
  2. Dyson Airblade hand-driers spread 60 times more germs than standard air dryers, and 1,300 times more than standard paper towels, according to research published in the Journal of Applied Microbiology. http://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/uknews/dyson-airblades-spread-germs-1300-times-more-than-paper-towels/ar-BBrIqCG?ocid=spartandhp
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