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Found 1 result

  1. Hi all, Just the outline of the issue should be enough! Bought a car in March 2014 from a Nissan franchise. Noticed some rust which was fixed under the Nissan manufacturers paint warranty in August / September 2014. When this was repaired, I was assured that the metal would be treated to prevent repeat bubbling under the paint (I was asking whether a new tailgate would be fitted, but it was resprayed). Fast forward to now, I have noticed some bubbling under the paint in the same two places again, approximately 18 months after the repair. I believe that the manufacturer (as opposed to the dealer) repaired under their paint warranty. My expectation is that I should not be experiencing the same problem in the same places again so soon, but I don't know what my rights are. I would rather not approach the supplying dealer (also the repairer) as I ended up issuing claims against them through the CC for other matter related to the vehicle. (They settled before it reached court, and the paintwork was never part of that claim). Thanks
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