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  1. Hi All, I have reading a lot on this forum to get some understanding. I was hoping that i would get some advice regarding my case. I was employed for well over a decade by my employer and found myself having to resign and put in a claim at the employmlent tribunals. My hearing date is in few months time and is over several days. I am representing myself. My exployers are a fairly big organisation. There are moments when i feel what on earth am i doing by taking on this huge stress but then when i remember the treatment i know that i had no other options but to take this action and to fight for my rights. I am going to the hearing with the view that win or lose i will not have any regrets years later of why i didn't fight for my rights. I do feel i have strong case but you never know. I am preparing for the hearing. To date the respondents have never shown any sign of wanting to settle out of court. I don't know wether it was foolish of me but i thought just because they are not entering into dialogue there was no reason why i shouldn't make a move. So i sent an offer that i would be happy to accept as a final settlement. To date no acknowledgement to that email offer. I was just wondering wether i should have put in a specfic date which they should reply by. Considering the size of my total claim i felt it was a reasonable offer for this stage. I would not be happy accepting this same amount as time progresses and i invest more time and effort. Any thoughts or advice?
  2. Hi, Hope you can help clarify a few things lol okay to set the situation started a job in july 2013. Working as a machine operative. in a team of 3 (our department etc) All is well,being trained etc. Flip to the end of october,the company loses there biggest order for the machine i work on. not good for anyone obviously, then they start sending me out to another department constantly,it was rare i was in the department i started in in the end, i worked 4 on and 4 off. They sent me packing for 12 hours at a time. 8 i could handle but 12 was just sending me stir crazy,i know its work etc, i understand this. You had options i mean, id had a conversation with the supervisor of our department and basically if i didnt want to go packing i could just go home. This obviously isnt my first choice due to money! I worked in the other department for a while etc, one monday i come in, just cheesed off basically so i take the choice to go home, at 6 in the morning though none of our management are in,so i tell my senior im off as there is noone else to tell! see you in the morning. Come in the next day and get a final written warning. For walking offsite, in some respects i understand this,so i cant sit there and argue it,i should of gone about it a different way. So yep i continue coming in being sent out to the other department. Flip to the end of january i am hacked off. so apply for a job in the warehouse. Seems good. continental hours and different management. The job im employed to do is all i will do and nothing else. My wife had to change her hours when i was working 4 on 4 off, so i explained before i took this other role, shed have to adjust her hours,so the first three weeks, it was awkward but they knew this. (Long story here i know!) Flip to the weekend before the 4th week, my son and i are violently ill after my daughter having it in the week, so monday due to go in, sunday night my mrs gets it, we have three kids! so monday morning comes around i call in,i have no other options. Go in tuesday though and apologize it never happens when we are ill we work through but i couldnt leave her at home with the kids like she was. Anyway get sent into an office with hr and my manager. They sit there basically say im not flexible enough, for instance they explained in the warehouse we are a team of 3 so everyone needs to be in. I understand this. Then they ask what happens if another colleague is off ill and they call me in the morning would i be able to just drop everything. I say no, my wife might be working, i cant guarntee i can just drop everything and come in,so they send me out for 5 minutes then sack me. My question here is did they have a valid reason,surely we work to live and not the opposite? How can they fire you for not being flexible enough? Id had the final written i know but how they can use the flexibility issue as a reason to sack me? Long winded story i know just curious if anyone had this before
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