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  1. My problem relates to a very old defunct current account that I once owned with Natwest. It was closed 7+ years ago to my knowledge with full settlement. In recent times whilst trying to secure a mortgage, I have discovered an entry on my credit files from Natwest stating that I have a rolling balance of between £500 and £700 which is defaulting each month. I say between 500 and 700 because the amount changes each month, sometimes up, sometimes down - sometimes even back to £0 and then £500 again the next month. It smacks of a computer error to me. Natwest were first contacted over a year ago and to this date refuse to speak to me on the basis that I am not a recognised customer and cannot be found on their systems. None of my records exist, and they cannot find me by address, sort code or any of the details that were previously valid. They have also searched their archives. I am advised that Natwest purge their systems after 7 years. The problem is that if, for example, then the 7 year expiry on my credit file would have expired by now and the record should have disappeared. Because however they've logged it in such a way that it appears to be a live account being defaulted each month - the entry will never disappear. I logged a case with all three credit agencies who contacted Natwest. Callcredit received no response so they have "suppressed" the information from my file. Experian and Equifax however were both contacted by Natwest Telford at the 11th hour and told that the information was genuine and not to remove the entry. They gave a reference number. Over two months later, having suffered the insanity of the RBS/Natwest computer crash, Natwest have told me that the reference they gave is not a valid one and they STILL cannot find me on the system. I've made it clear that at this stage, I don't even require them to prove the debt is correct. I am happy to pay it just to clear my file - however with no account to pay it against they will not accept a payment either. Because of the 100s of thousands of complaints logged over the RBS computer crash, they say that it will be many many more weeks before they can process my case, even with it flagged as top priority. Meanwhile, I am still trying to secure a mortgage having found a perfect house. I am being refused purely on the basis of this defautl - much to the extreme distress of my family. Experian and Equifax (both of whom I'm paying the premium account service) are hopeless! A month between every email, as thy refuse to keep the case open, and each time they say that the information "belongs" to Natwest and ergo they can't do anything without express permission from Natwest. For some bizarre reason, they cannot accept Natwest's silence on the matter as a clue that the entry is wrong. Last point - I've also logged the whole case with the Financial Ombudsmans' office twice - once through my accountant and once myself. Neither of us have received a response despite the first case being logged over a year ago. Extremely desperate situation from which I feel there is no escape! I'm in dire need of any good advice. Eliot.
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