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Found 1 result

  1. Hi, About 4 years ago, I had an orange account which to my knowledge has been paid in full and was closed. About a year ago, AG and BC started tagteaming with one another sending me various threatening letter. After about 5 letters asking for the final bill, and after a barney on the phone, I finally got one. The dates fall CLEARLY outside of the contract dates, as I only had a 1 year contract. Can I demand to see the original contract? both AG and BC both say that "they do not have to send it as the bill is enough". orange won't talk to me as they seem to think that the bill has been cleared, but the date of the latest bill is only from a few weeks ago. Can someone advise me as to what I should write and to who? I'm getting a little tired of the two bouncing this issue between themselves and I'm about to put a stop to it. Regards, Adridude
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