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  1. Hi I brought this Belling celling range cooker just over 18 months ago from Comet. It was hardly used, as we brought it because it was on a deal. We dont really cook. It was only 6 months ago I started to cook in the oven. and that is really just popping things in the oven to heat up like pizza. to be cometelely honest, the oven was hardly used until this January, because I learnt how to cook a few dishes over the Christmas holiday at my mums. We probably used the oven 2-4 times per week. In march (2 months later) the fan in the smaller oven went (bottom left door with the glass window). We called up belling and they said the cooker is out of warranty, but it was funny that she knew staight away what was wrong with the cooker. The engineer came and changed the fan. Id asked what would have damaged it, he said it was probably faulty. And that the fan should last for years, and shouldnt have gone. He also looked at the fan whcih he took out and said that they have changed the fan, so the new fan should last longer. I asked how long and he said it shouldnt go, poeple normally use their oven for years and it doesnt go. if I have used the oven when I got it, rather than waiting for over a year to do so, the fan would have gone out earlier. This means I would be able to claim on my warranty. We have the bigger oven on the range cooker (right door shown in the picture) and the top left hand side of the door was not closing properly. The engineer said that one of the magnets on the door does not close probably, so we can see the heat escape. The engineer said there was a washer which was not installed in it. So the magnet does not fit properly. So he has sorted that. Belling has changed me £180 for extended warranty for 12months. I had no choice but to pay for it, otherwise they wont come out to sort of the problem. As it is clear that the parts is faulty and with the door they missed out a washer on the door. Even though Comet has gone out of business, the item should have lasted longer than it has. Especially when I spent around £900 on it. As it is a cooker as it is meant to be used daily, even if it did get used daily, that is what it is designed for. Let alone the few months Ive used it. Can I Belling accountable for this and get back my £180 they charged to repair my cooker? Any advice would be great. Thanks
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