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Found 2 results

  1. Hi, hope that someone can help with some advice here. To cut a long story short, I have had an ongoing dispute about some charges from a lease company when the car was returned to them a couple of years ago for non existent damage and excess mileage. They filed a claim in the court to which I defended during a period that I was moving house. We were for a short period of time in a hotel before we could move into our new house and a post redirection was set up briefly to my Fathers home. When we moved, the redirection was then amended to my current address. During this time a letter from the court has been lost, I had not been aware that there was a date set and carried on as normal. The last thing I knew was the claimant was to pay a fee or the case would be struck out. Last week my Father (pensioner) was at his home and had two HCEO bailiffs on the doorstep. They had clamped his car and told him that they were removing his goods to pay for my debt which was £5000. My Father not knowing what to do has paid them over £8000 to leave. I have never lived at my Dads address and after getting a copy of the writ from the court the only address mentioned was my old address. I have complained to the bailiff firm but they have a process of 28 days to resolve, I need him to be refunded now, this should not have happened and so many rules have not been followed. How would I go about this quicker. Please ask any questions as determined to sort this for him, he has become sick as a result of this. Meant to mention that this is DCBL
  2. See here >> http://www.derbytelegraph.co.uk/Bailiff-tried-television-says-Derbyshire-landlord/story-28724803-detail/story.html From Scoop
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