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Found 1 result

  1. Hello, Just before christmas 2013 I got a parking charge notice put on my windscreen after parking in an allocated parking space for a small industrial unit that was unoccupied (To Let signs up, chained up doors). The site was approximately 15 small adjoined units built around a car park with about 50 spaces, each unit having a number of allocated spots. I believed that as the unit was not in use, nobody would even notice, let alone care if I parked there for 10 minutes. The space was not directly outside the unit and I was not blocking any access. The car park was only about half full and I saw no UKCPS signs whatsoever when I parked. After returning to my car and realising that where I had parked was the domain of a private parking company I had a look for some signs and found one approximately 8 ft (maybe higher) up on a wall of an industrial unit opposite, facing the entrance to the car park (not visible from where I had parked, and not readable or even particularly noticeable to drivers when entering the car park). A few years back a friend of mine had been issued one of these tickets, ignored it and never heard anything again, so at the time I just drove off, not unduly worried. It turns out the car park for the industrial units was owned by Co-op, although separated from the actual nearby co-op car park by a canal and a fence (no signs to show that the co-op also owned that land at all) I ignored the letters they sent (I realise now this was out of date advice), and after 3 or 4 I heard nothing more for many months until a County Court Claim Form arrived this morning for £175. Unfortunately, I did not take any photos at the time as I was not think that UKCPS would actually chase me. The site has now been bulldozed to make way for a new road. Given that my main defence seems to be inadequate signs and I have no photographic evidence of that, are there any other good avenues of defence I should use in addition? Thanks in advance, t
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