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  1. Hello, i'm new here having only just discovered this site I have a residential property with a mortgage in only my name which is all upto date with no arrears. there is about £145,000 equity in it. However i have 4 other charges on the property ( so total 5 inc initial lender) these 4 arose out of BTL props that "went wrong", banks sold the properties off way cheap, leaving shortfall debt which they then turned into secured charges. the total of the shortfall debt is approx £390,000, yes i know , its huge, ( as i said the banks gave the props away) so i have £145k equity v £390k shortfall some questions: If i try and sell the property what will happen? ( from a maths point of view if i did sell the property the 1st (Original) and 2nd chargeholder would be paid in full but there would no be anything left for the others) and if i try sell the property, can the 2nd,3rd,4th or 5th chargeholder block it? what else could i do? TIA
  2. embarrassing to be back but hoping ellen or some one can help...not sure how to upload my previous thread..mods if you can assist please or i can continue as per below i posted about 10 months ago... in a surprise move, after the judge ruled against me (4 previous evictions suspended) Kensington dropped demands for a lump sum (46k arrears now) and cancelled eviction - as ellen advised me at the time, '' Kensington have an outright possession order, which means they can apply for a further warrant of execution ''. This is what they are doing now. i kept to payments from the date of the last arrangement (january 2012 for 6 months, then missed 3 payments and then made the monthly payment in oct - action to apply for the warrant of execution has now been started by kensington - i am just waiting for an eviction date. they have applied to the local; court as of 16.11.12 (romford) just as a reminder, we have had a family breakdown due to the stress and care for my disabled son. this is the first year that we have had some level of stability - it has taken us years to get the care package we need to enable me and my wife to work full time. the latest default was due to extra cash payments that we made to carers - this has now ceased due to the extensive care package. i have only disclosed this to kensington in the last few weeks. if i lose the house, my son goes into full time care. no chance of getting the same package transferred - it has taken 6 years to get to this point. my mortgage record is appalling but the last 10 months has seen 7 payments. not good i know but some evidence at least. the bottom line is that they rightly view me as an horrendos account, arrears, not maintaining arrangements. i have managed to get some dialouge going with a member in their referral team. he has all our income/exp details - details of affordability have been noted but they point to my record. however, it appears ( i may be deluded) that they have left the door open for some lump sum offer. i can make payments due to commission which clients are releasing early (6k). i am not sure if this is enough and i am unsure how to now make a last bid to save our property. do i offer as a lump sum or say 2k per month on top of monthly payment for a 3 month period(the last arrangement was monthly payment 1536 plus 250 towards arrears) ? as stated, ellen assisted me greatly at the start of the year - hope there is still a chance.
  3. hi there Sorry Im struggling to get my head round what to do in this situation I have had 1 letter which is a requisition that I attend court on the 4th Oct ( which i cant as I am working ) And I want to reply to the case stating my side So it is for no insurance on a vehicle which I, probably in my naivety, thought was sorned and okay I sent the sorn notice off in Feb, didnt get any response but to be honest never chased it. It was off road and still is, parked on private ground. I didnt know it had to be insured when sorned, and again, never took much notice to the new rules... I am not insurance dodging as i have 2 motorbikes which are insured and tax n tested. I have not received any other letters from anyone until this court letter, so didnt know anything about it....also the tax on the car runs out today and i havent had notification, so this makes me think that there is a problem in the system somewhere as surely i would have had a notification unless it was noted as sorn? As soon as I got this letter I insured the car, seeing as it has to be done so by law I have looked up the penalties and it says up to 6 points, to which this can make me unemployed as I am a bus driver which 6 points is a no no .... SOOO can anyone help/advise do i plead guilty/not guilty /write a letter in my defence ? If so can anyone help me draft a letter, pretty please Thanks in advance
  4. Hi all This is my problem. I worked for a mailorder company for 25 years but had to go on the sick as I need major heart sugery. They were not prepared to wait to see if I got better they waited 6 months, finished me, Now in my leaving interview I was told that any money I owed the company, ie staff account work wear ect would be deducted from my final settlement which was a crap £3000 for 25 years service.... Now I was very poorly at the time (pre op) and just took the cheque and waited for my op, which I had, But 6 months later I recieved a letter from Cap quest saying I owed £528.00 outstanding from my staff account? I rang up Cap Quest explained the situ they told me to put it in writing which I did I had a phone call saying I still owed I then sent a letter template off this site which statas they have 12 days in which reply about credit agreements 1974 act ect.. . 10 days later I recieved a letter saying no futher action and they were going to leave it. A couple of months later I got another from another company saying the same thing I followed exactly the same procedure with them and it came back they would take no further action?? Now 2 weeks ago I got a letter from Fredrick international whos website say they stand for no messing and they will take you to court?? a bit scary, The letter said I had to pay £528.00 they are very rude on the phone, not taking no for an answer? I got another letter 7 days later saying the debt had gone upto 623.00, if I dont pay in 5 worrking days. Ive sent the template letter of to them with an explanation of the situation, recorded delivery which they've sign for, But they still keep ringing I just dont answer now because its to stressful.. Why does it keep happening?? the thing is I lost my house because I lost my job, and my in recovery I had to moved out All my letters from my old company git binned. .. as I thought this is the last id heard of them. . but im wondering whens it going to end?? Im now on benifits so dont have no money to give them anyway plus the address Im at is only lodging and the landlady is getting a bit p/off with the phone calls... . So do I just sit tight will they send anyone to the house to remove her furniture? Oh ive send a letter off to my old company to ask them to leave me alone as theyve done enough to me as it is! I will see what happens with that.. sorry for the waffle.... regards Darren
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