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  1. Hi all, I am new to this and I hope the good people out there can help me. I used to be in terrible debt problems in the second half of the 00's and beginning of the 10's - with many credit cards and unsecured loans. All of which I was paying large amounts of penalties and interest. This was with Lloyds, Natwest, Egg, Virgin and MBNA. A few weeks ago I received a letter from MBNA (relating to a Virgin credit card account) saying the when my credit card account was in arrears they should have sent me a notice of sums in arrears on 21st September 2009 but as a result of an error they didn't. Therefore they have refunded any interest and default fees that were added from the date and the date of this letter (9th Jan 2018). The total (to my amazement) was a £9k refund in the form of an attached cheque. I did not believe it until the cheque cleared which it now has. I have some questions: 1) Should MBNA pay me interest on top of this for keeping this money over the period of time. I think I am right in saying that if this was resolved in court then I would be due 8% straight interest on the refunded amounts. 2) How do I check if I am due refunds from Natwest, LLoyds, Egg? I did not receive anything regarding a sum of notice in arrears at the time as far as I am aware. - What criteria do they need to send the notices of sum in arrears? I have read on line that many of the top institutions failed to do this but could not get any real details. - Does this apply to credit cards and unsecured loans? - Can I do anything to chase this with them or is it a case of wait and see? I have found the odd article on this on line but am struggling to see if I have a case and if so what I need to do. I have rung Natwest and LLoyds and also went into the branch - but all useless and they had no information on NOSIA refunds or investigations. Anyway - it would be fantastic if anyone out there can help me on this. Many thanks and appreciation in advance Charles
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