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Found 2 results

  1. We bought a new Vauxhall Ampera last year, from GoVauxhall Wibledon. This car comes with a lifetime warranty. My experience is, the company is offering poor service: poor/no communication, can't get hold of them, don't do the necessary paperwork, and worse. What can I do? I am not sure what my options are. Can I change dealership? How does that work with the lifetime warranty? Thanks Rob
  2. I ve received a PCN for parked/waiting/unloading in wimbledon village high st via a camera in a car behind me. i think i should fight it as i parked in a pay and display bay and got out after a minute to get a ticket, but found the signs nearby restrict parking only to 10am - 4pm. Obvioulsly until i got out i did not know this and moved once i found i could not park here. anywhere I ve parked is usually 0830 on wards, and not being from london I am not familiar with this. is it worth fighting or just pay up. I noticed in the picture it shows a bay with a single yellow line through which is a bit confusing also.
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