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Found 2 results

  1. Tougher laser misuse laws come into force READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/tougher-laser-misuse-laws-come-into-force
  2. Hi My son was pulled over for speeding. The police said that he was doing 55mph in a 30mph limit so would be referred to court. My son is adamant that he was not doing 55mph inside. The police statement says they were standing approximately 300m inside the 30mph zone. We have measured where they said they were standing and it is only 242 metres inside the zone. They have sent a photo of the reading on the hand held device - besides the mph it also says 248.2 m which we assume is how far the reader was from the car when zapped? which would mean my son was outside of the 30mph when zapped. Should he plead not guilty? He is within 2 years of taking his test so if he is given 6 points we think he automatically loses his licence? Thanks in advance
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