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Found 2 results

  1. Evening, I'm unfortunately another one of those people who got involved with Carpenters solicitors before seeing the posts on here about them Was put through to them after a car accident that wasn't my fault after suffering a few bruises and a bit of a sore neck, decided a week later it wasn't worth pursuing for a personal injury claim as the bruises had almost gone and my health was back to normal, got my case for personal injury claim closed by them on the phone but now dreading them sending a huge bill through for their costs as I didn't have legal costs as part of my car insurance policy at the time, bit of a painful lesson on the way I'm guessing. Like a few other on here I did email them on a few matters but yet to receive a response.
  2. hi all, ive read alot of bad things about carpenters solicitors being involved in insurance claims or not really getting involved, we have just had a rear end smash and the 3rd party has already admitted liabillity, carpenters called and sound very nice and said they are sending forms out for us to sign, before we do can we go through our own family solicitors......please help
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