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  1. Hi Thanks in advance for any help. I lent someone a large some of money with a written contract in place which shows that he agreed to pay back the amount when he sold his property. I have only just learnt that he is now at the very tale-end of the sale and that he is likely to receive payment in as little as a week. I contacted him and he told me that he will not be paying me as agreed and that he will pay me later. What can I do? Is there any way that I can 'intercept' the sale so that, for example, the proceeds of the sale are awarded to me OR at least 'frozen' until this dispute is settled? Because the sale is fairly imminent and, as a consequence, he will receive the money shortly (possibly as soon as a week), what urgent action can I take NOW to stop him receiving the money until at least a court or whatever can decide the case? For example, can I get a solicitor to apply for an immediate court order that will/can react quick enough to stop the received funds from going to him before this dispute is resolved? Because I have only just learnt that he is selling the house, there is no CCJ in place or applied for as yet. Many thanks, David
  2. Hello everyone, this is my first thread here but is very urgent so please help me resolve that problem. I owe 512.60 and 700 to Jacobs they have left me a note today telling that They will come tomorrow in the morning or afternoon to take out my goods if home will be closed they will get a local locksmith to help them getting in, I tried to borrow 512.60 somehow from people that I know to pay that back yesterday but unfortunately they did not help me at all, I just started new job got only 130 pounds on account because of being in work only week before pay day, not much hours as couldn't work longer, I gave a call to bailiff which came to me last week for same reason, to told him what is my situation: I'm only 23 years old with two Tumors waiting for surgery I'm willing to pay all due amount in installments starting with paying everything that I've got 130, then 51 pounds monthly as I'm in debt with previous land lord and current one as well, I cant afford to pay more money to them, I've been asking for some standing order form or some letter to my employer to make deduction from my pay each month, but they said no because I have failed to pay back money before, because I did not have funds at all and my health situation went very bad, but I did payments like 60, 50, 20, 50 couple of times month by month then I told them that I cant pay more, as I'm unemployed, so they told me to send a letter with income and outcome, but I already did that, debt problems were same at that time, I just had no income at all. I've send them two faxes from my work yesterday telling what is my situation and asking for quick contact from their office not from bailiff having my case, because he is sending me messages on mobile in the night time scaring that he will come on next day with big guys by big van to remove all that I've got. I've send also two emails today they just ignored them, I'm having job now and I can pay money back to them but they just do not want to listen, This working month I took as much overtime as possible as other maintenance man is on holiday so I can do hes hours to have more money in next month to pay them more, I told that to bailiff as well but he still don't care. I just do not know what to do, please help me somehow. I'm on my way to council to talk with some officer about paying them money not to Jacobs and stop their actions somehow. Thank You. Simon
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