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will lliw

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Everything posted by will lliw

  1. I would love to go down there and make a fuss but I dont think I would get past security as I am no longer an employee as of 20th Dec???
  2. Thanks for the reply Teaboy, mines milk and 2 sugars cheers I get paid monthly and my last pay will be Tomorow 23rd. HEre's the letter in full rather tham me trying to explain all of this.....
  3. Hi folks, just a quick question/gripe. I have worked for a major company for the last 10 years but the last 2 years has been hell on earth with harrasment and bullying plus ive got a disability, then they announced the consultation and 50 jobs going . I was delighted to have my Voluntary redundancy request accepted last week and I signed on the dotted line last thursday morning, at the meeting they had the form and my letter ready printed but did not have my cheque? I asked for the cheque asap as it would have been nice to get that banked for christmas! The HR Lady suggested that she might be able to raise it tomorow when the correct person was on site to sign it, but failing that she would give me a call sometime the following week to collect it. So here I am half way through that next week almost and 3 days away from christmas without a bean to my name, how frustrating!!! I feel so frustrated they are making me wait like this for the cheque and I have almost convinced myself that the ass's are delibratley dragging there feet as one last GOODBYE!. Does anybody know if this sort of thing is a common practice when it comes to redundancy payments and also are there any rules governing this kind of thing. My Redundancy letter states that my final day with the company will be 20th Dec 2009 and that I will recieve my cheque following my final day. Many thanks P.S Feel like ringing HR up rite now and dropping a bomb but I dont have any to load onto my corporate bomber!!
  4. Thanks Ozzy I have SAR and CCA ready to go but didnt realise the address might be changing. I will wait as advised and see what POST digs up. Thanks again... Getting a little jittery though as this loan is secured on my house and my 14 days defualt notice is up. Plus Ive never dealt with secured loans before!!! Never again!
  5. As I am in Default Does anybody know if it would be to late for me to send CCA and SAR?
  6. Hi folks, really need some help to tackle this one if anybody has any idea's I would be gratefull. Does anybody know if it will be possible to negotiate a lower settlement on this secured loan of mine as I have just recieved my redundancy pay but have to be carefull how I spend now as no longer earning. I really need to contact them ASAP as my 14 days defualt notice is up so if anybody can help with any advice that would great.... Thanks!!
  7. Hi guys, very interesting news this! I have a secured loan with Welscum (started thread a couple of days ago ) for 3K and after 6 months of not been able to pay I have received a default. Does anybody know if its possible to negotiate a settlement on secured loans??
  8. Hi to all the great folks here old and new!! I have a little problem that may well go critical for me V soon and so I am asking if anybody out there could offer some advice please.... I have already read around the welcome posts alot but there are some rather large threads that I am still working through so apologies for my ignorance as I am still doing my homework. About a year ago I took a secured loan with welcome for £3000 and in doing so I broke my own golden fiscal rule of taking on secured debt (thankyou Gordon!). I have not paid any instalments for around 6 mths due to reduced income related to ill health and have now recieved a defualt notice. I did not take the PPI and so find myself in some mess.... Below is my default notice anonomised if somebody with experiance could look over and give me there opinion.... Thanks W PAGE 1 PAGE 2
  9. Hi and sorry I took so long to get back. Thanks for all the great advice I am still considering what to do really. Things have developed a bit since my original post, I am now off sick with stress as I cant be doing with this (edit). My memory is shot, im not sleeping, I have gut trouble and generaly feel very unwell and depressed. So far my employer has offerd me no support even though my stress level is sky high and now affecting my confidence and ability to deal with people, I feel properly undermined, maybe there was somthing in the complaint but I have not had any appraisels for 3 years and so have been working almost without feedback on my performance for this time! However I always get the job done and well but i fear a conduct case is been built against me. I am going to the docs tomorow cos im at the end of my tether! I asked HR for a copy of the letter but was refused on grounds of confidentiality, im cosidering asking for it to be anomonised as suggested. I feel as though my employer is doing there best to get rid of me as I feel like ive been put out for the bin men to collect. Earlier in the year I was discaplined for a matter that happend out of work in my own time which led to a criminal conviction but they claimed it had an impact in work. I succesfully appealed a demotion (they demoted me to a role I wouldnt have been able to do anyway due to a disability) and won but I think I put a few noses out of joint with that one. Ontop of this I have a disability which restricts my physical activity and I cant push myself anymore like I used to. In summary I think im been bullied, harrased and discriminated against and rite now I just want to walk, actualy run!!!! I emailed the big boss to (this is the same person who held my appeal earlier in the year) to let him know I would be interested in Redundancy as there will soon be a few people being made redundant but I was informed by my manager that everyone in my dept was safe and when i asked "even me" she said that I was safe from this to imply my job was at risk for somthing else. I challenged her about this and she said I should consider my options. She also said that if voluntary redundancy was an option then they would snap my hand of to offer it to me and labeld me high maintance! I am becoming quiet paraniod as I now get the impression that people just think im a pain in the arse. Apologies for going on but I had to try and get that all out in some logical way! I keep wondering if I have a case for constructive dismisal if I resign but dont worry I would resign untill i took legal advice.
  10. Hi folks, I was wondering if somebody could possibly help me with my current situation. I am a first line manager and have a small team of 14 who I am responsible for. A few weeks ago I was asked to report to the office and when I got there my manager and her manager where there waiting. I was basicly told that most members of my team had signed a collective grievance against me, I was given no reall details of any problems just basicly told by the big boss that "there's no smoke without fire" and I was been moniterd. I was told that members of my team were aproached over this and they did not wish to take the grievance further and so to date no actions have happend. Since that day I have felt very uneasy at work and feel like I have to walk on egg shells around my team. I really cant go on like this and as I said to my big boss I was confident that I had done nothing wrong and that a particular member of my team with alot of influence over the others was possibly trying to cause me problems. My question is how can I get my hands on this "grievance letter" so I can see for myself what this is all about? I have considerd going to HR and asking to see it but the way things are I feel this would further antagonsie the situation..... Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance.
  11. Thanks for your help Bankfodder, I'm in this position now because I ignored it for to long so I will ignore no more! I have tried calling the claimant several times over the last few days but it seems he is a very busy man! My 14 days of service are up next monday so ive decided to send an aknowledgment of service today by recorded post for my extra 14 days and then pay the claimant in full at the end of the month. When I pay at the end of the month will I have to pay the amount claimed plus court fee and costs to prevent a judgment?
  12. Hi folks, I desperatley need help with this one if anybody out there could assist. Last year I sought the help of a solicitor and then due to sikness could not afford to pay the invoice of £250, unfortunatley I have just recieved a county court claim when im weeks away from beeing able to pay these people off having returned to work recently! I am desperatley keen to avoid a CCJ against me and so would appreciate any guidance on how I could aproach this. I only have a few days left to decide wether to defend or accept. I would love to strike a deal but not sure how to go about this or even if a claim can be withdrawn in this way or if the claimant even would lol..... Particulars of claim... "Payment of unpaid invoice for services rendered by the claimant to the defendant to the defendants order full particulars of which have been supplied by the claimant to the defendant and invoiced as follows:- Invoice No. xxxxx Dated xx/4/09 £250"
  13. I refused to take the PPI and was advised this was risky what with the lone being secured etc. I stuck to my guns on that one. To be honest I have read around here and the general conscencus is that WF are a bunch of T~*~s but so far they have been alright with me. (steps outside to take some air)
  14. from what i have read on here you prob right, begining to wonder if ive slipt inbetween the cracks or am just simply small fish as the loan is only small compared to most.....
  15. Hi folks, Just a quick question on my secured loan from WF if anybody here can help or has had a similiar situation. I took out this 3K secured loan last year for a period of 3 yrs and got what i think is a decent rate of 16% considering my poor credit. Anyway, due to sickness I have not paid for 5 months and have had no default notice or phone call just a notice of sums in arrears, is this the same as a defualt notice? I did enqiure a few months ago by phoning but cant really remeber the conversation I had. However i recieved a statment in the post a week later. My question is how come WF havent pesterd me since im 5 months in arrears and has anybody had a similiar experiance? Is this how a secure loan usualy works if you fall behind?
  16. UPDATE: MY disciplinary was concluded a few days ago and the outcome was that I was demoted to the lowest position within the factory. At the end of the disciplinary I was commended on the way I had conducted myself and also told that I had a good appraisal record, because of these factors and that I had been with the company for along time I would not be dismissed. It was stated that I have not brought the company into disrepute and never have been under the influence whilst at work. The reason given for my demotion was that the business had lost trust in me and didn't see how I could be in charge of a team, I am still waiting for written confirmation and intend to pursue an appeal. I think they may well have dismissed me anyway because I am not capable of doing a manual role due to my chronic back problem that the business was fully aware of whilst taking this decision. I definitely do not wish to return and couldn't anyway..... Am seeing a solicitor this week to discuss all of this nonsense!
  17. No drug test but I was aksed if I Would take one at pre discaplinary "meeting" and I was more than happy to oblige, however they have not reqiured this from me as of yet. I informed my manager of my arrest but did not inform about my conviction as have been signed off with my problem. Im starting to wonder if I should have made an effort to infrom HR even though I can find nothing in my contract about having to infrom my employer of any conviction!
  18. Hi, I have outlined the reason below but my employer has stated in writing on my discaplinary invite that they view the breech of alcohol and drug policy as gross misconduct and could lead to my dismisal. Even though I have not been made aware of the said policy and they claim it was available to me on the company network!
  19. Hi thanks for looking in. I have never heard of PHI scheme? In answer to your questions I'm pretty certain DDA applies as my condition is chronic and permanent. My latest (and final) OH report states that I am no longer fit to continue in current role and alternative role should be found or capability discussed. And the gross misconduct comes about becasue I have been convicted for a cannabis related offence as was taking it to help with my pain re chronic condition. According to a drug and alcohol policy that I was unaware of my employer is suggesting the I have caused the company to come into disrepute, which is not true and they have now conceded that I have not. They also claim they believe I may have been under the influence whilst at work, which again is rubbish as im not that irresponsible and again they seem to have conceded on this point. The final point is that they are suggesting that they can no longer trust me but I dont know where they are coming from because I told my line manager immediatly about my arrest. I'm pretty sure they just want to kick me out the door and not have to pay me any notice etc...... Anyway, the discaplinary was adjourned at the end of the hearing because they claimed to reqiure more evidence to make a fair decision. When you run that through the double speak translator i believe you come out with "They needed to find evidence to find a reason to dismiss me" P.S A message to any moral crusaders: I made a mistake resorting to cannabis to try and find some quality of life but when your in the pain I experience daily then see what you do.....
  20. UPDATE After a long wait I have finally recieved notice that the case has been stayed, and it took a long time! The reasons the judge gave are: I am still to report Cohen to the SRA as I have had a lot on my plate recently but intend to get this done ASAP! Now time to go and enjoy the nice weather over this bank holiday me thinks! 8-)
  21. Thanks citizenB! I could really use some help on this one if anybody can help please! This has developed a little since last week and I could use some advice if anybody has any... I am now being discaplined this week because last month I unwittingly breached a company policy I was unaware existed. I excpect to be dismissed for gross misconduct even though this is not supposed to be pre-judged . If not dismissed for gross misconduct this week then I probably will get dismissed on capability grounds in the near future as there doesnt appear to be another role for me as of yet. I wonder how/if notice pay is affected by being ether dismissed for gross misconduct or capability?
  22. Hi folks thanks for dropping in, could do with some guidance on the following please: I have a chronic back problem and the pain is now so bad that I cannot continue in my current role even with restrictions, this is supported by a medical diagnosis and OH. I have worked for my employer FT for almost 10 years and HR have said that they could try find a new role for me but i need to submit a CV and apply for any available roles in the traditional way. Obviously I haven't applied for any job since 1999 and this feels a bit daunting! I was just wondering if this was the correct and proper way of doing this as my employer is not so great at these kinds of things. Many thanks
  23. watching with interest, have just defaulted myself on a wonga loan.....
  24. I dont have any issues with drug testing at work, infact I think its sensible to help reduce the risk of any accidents. What I find troubling is the posibility that employers could begin to intefere with peoples personal lives by creating policys restricting what employees can do out of work time. This I think is one step to close to a big brother state and by the looks of it at the moment the business agrees and is staying out of it....
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