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  1. The new series of BBC1's "Watchdog" starts at 8pm this Weds (18th Sept), will be watching it Crotalus and hoping your story might be covered by the team?
  2. Glad you've got the RSPCA involved Crotalus, and hope now the bank holiday is out of the way you're able to get the press involved. Even if you aren't based in London it may well be worth contacting the radio station LBC 97.3 FM . They aren't just heard in London, but all over the UK both online and on DAB etc. Try Nick Ferrari (7-10am weekdays) and Iain Dale (4-8pm weekdays) by going to the LBC website and clicking on Shows followed by Presenters and then each of their names for their contact details. Both their shows get a lot of listeners and they may well be able to force BG to take part and both justify and make amends for its actions! The other thought is Paul Lewis at BBC Radio 4's Money Box programme - the contact details are on the Money Box page at the BBC R4 website. He often appears on TV alerting people to items on the programme, and again would be able to get BG to take part or make a statement.
  3. Such an appalling story - and you're so right to pursue this. I totally agree you should try to get BBC's Watchdog involved and the press - preferably the national papers - although if the local paper does a piece the nationals may well pick up on it. I also agree that you should send the British Gas CEO a letter by recorded delivery - going straight to the top often gets the best results. It may be worth asking the RSPCA to get involved? What 'nasty' behaviour turning the heating on full while you weren't there! So sorry for the distress BG's actions have caused you and most importantly your poor son. I wish you all the best with your endeavors to publicise the dreadful events that happened to you at the hands of British Gas and hope the company is shamed into paying you decent compensation for both your financial losses and for the great distress caused.
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