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Everything posted by wolfie33

  1. All north wales bank cases are now being sent to Cardiff according to the person I talked to in Caernarfon court, so I'd expect Cardiff court wont be too quick to reply considering the amount of cases they have!
  2. I'm sorry,this has caused confusion before.I was expressing how glad I was with caernarfon courts stance there and quoting Jeneil's court directions.
  3. Thanks for your help AGE Neither I or DG have had court orders to submit a court bundle during the case. Are you saying I should send a court bundle to Cardiff although Caernarfon or Cardiff courts have never asked me for one? Wolfie
  4. Just phoned Caernarfon court All Caernarfon bank files and all other welsh bank files are being transferred to the high judge in Cardiff. I am now worried about my cockup when I didn't sign my letter of objection to the stay! Wolfie
  5. Thanks for replying AGE Just to clarify things.I haven't been asked to produce a court bundle.Iwas going to get all the info together incase I needed it for the allocation hearing this Friday and to defend my objection to the stay, if the need did arise. I did send a letter of objection to the stay to Caernarfon court which asked for a hearing-the asking for a hearing was incorperated into the 'objection letter to stay' template Do you think the transfer to Cardiff civil justice court is a direct consequence of my 'letter of objection and asking for a hearing' or would this transfer have occurred anyway?
  6. Escargot cooked with garlic and parsley butter outside of its shell ;)
  7. Details so far Prelim letter 22/03/07 LBA 16/04/07 MCOL issue 09/05/07 Acknowledged 11/05/07 deemed served 14/05/07 offer made 80% 25/05/07 offer declined 30/05/07 DG defence 07/06/07 Transfer to Caernarfon court 18/06/07 1st and only nudge letter 19/06/07 notice of hearing on 31 aug 12/07/06 Letter from DG to stay action 14/08/07 Letter sent objecting to stay and asking for hearing 15/08/07 Letter from court acknowledging my unsigned objection 17/08/07 Transfer to Cardiff Civil Justice centre 24/08/07 Hi all! Just got a letter today from Caernarfon Court,just when I was getting prepared to print my court bundle for the hearing on Friday the 31st of August "Upon the court's own motion.The court has made this order of its own initiative without a hearing.If you object to the order,you must make an application to have it set aside, varied or stayed within 7 days. IT IS ORDERED THAT 1. The file be transferred to the Cardiff Civil Justice Centre for consideration by the designated judge 2. The hearing listed at Caernarfon court be vacated" I presume that this is a response to my letter objecting to the stay and asking for a hearing-is this correct? If this is the case .Why can't the hearing be held in Caernarfon? I presume I accept this order and not object to it? Do I just wait now for directions from Cardiff? Anyway,my local court is now 2 1/2 hours away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. If this carries on ,by October my local court will probably be in France!!!!! Wolfie Get well soon Freaky!!!
  8. Take care Freaky! I'm sure the nurses at the Maelor will look after you!!!!!! Are you on Bright ward?
  9. The only thing is Freaky my "local county court is 100miles away!!!!!!!" due to MCOL.I had the chance to get it nearer but due to Caernarfon Court dealing severely with DG in June and July opted to leave it there thinking that DG would have settled by now !!!! It doesn't seem like a good idea now! I've only sent one nudge letter to Dg- is it a waste of time now or should we carry on? Wolfie
  10. Received a letter from the court today "Your unsigned objection to a stay in the above matter will be referred to the district judge.You will be informed of the outcome in due course" Have I cocked it up by not signing the objection? Should I send another signed objection? My hearing is on the 31st of August which doesnt give them much time to get back to me and by the way I've had nothing from the court telling me that a stay has been granted only from DG informing me that a stay had been applied for.I sent the objection due to the proximity of the hearing date! Wolfie
  11. Just received letter from DG today "WE will be applying to the court for an order to stay your action until resolution of the bank's proceedings with the OFT" Just rang Caernarfon court and they are awaiting orders from the judge to whether the stay will be granted, but it is expected to be granted. Just sent a letter opposing the stay to the court clerk
  12. allocation hearing 31 august- still going on as normal according to posters here. Do I still need [left][u]Stuff to take with you;[/u] Bank statements & schedule of charges (in case they want to settle) [url="http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/welcome-our-forum/82729-allocation-hearing-test-case.html#post742607"]Allocation hearing Witness Statement[/url] [url="http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/general/57708-draft-order-allocation-questionnaires.html#post482148"]Draft order for directions[/url] & [url="http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/general/53570-new-strategy-allocation-questionaires-11.html#post510137"]Reason's why they should be ordered[/url] Copy of this order - [url="http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r234/GaryH_bucket/Order.jpg"]page 1[/url] & [url="http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r234/GaryH_bucket/Orderpage2.jpg"]page 2[/url] (to demonstrate that other courts are already routinely ordering those directions in small claims cases) [url="http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/general/53570-new-strategy-allocation-questionaires-3.html#post482194"]Statement of evidence [/url](to refer to if necessary) *Copy of the text of the [url="http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/lloyds-bank/32952-sean-lloyds-2.html?highlight=sean#post512565"]Lincoln 'abuse' order[/url] *[url="http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/general/64871-spreadsheet-claims.html#post553159"]List of settled cases[/url][/left] [left]*[i]Optional - take if you want to show it to the judge and politely suggest that a similar order may be appropriate in your claim.[/i] Anybody know what the timeline is now?[/left]
  13. at least I dont have to assemble a court bundle do I lat?
  14. Got a response from court at last today.Not happy! Previously Caernarfon court have been quick to get on the backs of HSBC demanding that they repond within two weeks like Jeneil had below "IT IS ORDERED THAT: 1 the Court of its own motion is considering striking out the defence as an abuse of process on the basis that the Defendant has settled all previous claims of this nature. 2 If the Defendant objects to this course of action, it is to file at Court by XX XXXX 2007 a schedule setting out a list of all claims it has pursued to trial and all the claims it has settled. This order has been made without a hearing under the Courts Case Management Powers contained in the Civil Procedure Rules Part 3." However i get TAKE NOTICE that an allocation hearing will take place on 31st August 2007 at 11:40AM at Caernarfon County court When you should attend 10 minutes has been allowed for the hearing Please Note: This case may be released to another Judge,possibly at a different court Thought that I would have got my money by the end of July at the latest if I was following other people's experience of courts at Caernarfon Disheartened now! Wolfie :mad:
  15. Good news penguin! I'm hoping for the same orders off the judge this week sometime
  16. Can't you use the translation link i gave you last time Lat!
  17. Cheers Wilks 77 When I phoned up Caernarfon, they said it happens very often if you do the claim through Northampton.There's one chap there apparently who sends every Welsh claim to Caernarfon or Camarthen, apparently there's only 2 courts in Wales in his eyes. Pob lwc Wolfie
  18. How do you use that quote button,does it show up as a different colour if you look in the preview or just say quote/34582734 or something like that
  19. Hi Lat! I think you've got your wires crossed! I'm still waiting for my court date although the district judge has looked over the claim ,it hasn't been assigned a date yet!I suppose the court is working through the backlog. It was Jeneil who was waiting for the 26th but she received an offer just before that date. Yes we're both at Caernarfon court. I suppose I'll just have to keep waiting and enjoy the Summery weather-thinking of doing a spot of sunbathing later! Wolfie
  20. Details so far Prelim letter 22/03/07 LBA 16/04/07 MCOL issue 09/05/07 Acknowledged 11/05/07 deemed served 14/05/07 DG defence 07/06/07 - earlier than expected Transferred to Caernarfon County court 18/06/07 Just telephoned court to keep the case up at Caernarfon
  21. :D :D My tractor's ready to go!
  22. montgomeryshire freaky!
  23. AFter ringing up Northampton to state that they had transferred me to a local court which 100 miles away, and asking the chap on the phone to check if they had done this correctly because there is a county court 7 miles away from me.I got the response that yes my home town comes under the jurisdiction of the court 100miles away.To some people this may seem a bit thick on my part, but living where I do in Wales your local facilities are sometimes 100 miles away, and my rationale here was perhaps they were lumping all claims against banks just in a few courts. Today I ring up the court to see how they are getting on and what do I hear -the judge is transferring my claim back to a court that's closer to me ,7 miles away. Is there anything stopping me from just keeping the claim in Caernarfon considering they rarely turn up to court anyway, rather than having it transferred again?
  24. same court as Jeneil, but its not my nearest court-got a county court 7 miles away and 13 miles away, but apparently my area comes under the jurisdiction of the court 100 miles away when I queried this with Northampton ,but after hearing that the judge is on hsbc 's case there, I don't really want to be assigned to another court. I'm not in the same county as Jeneil thinking about it!!!! Hope so Pinkdutchess -things are starting to speed up in my opinion BBC NEWS | Business | Judge slams bank payout delays
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