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Everything posted by chrisking1962

  1. thanks Hedgey06, do I just send my complex-charges-calculator version with 8% added or without? regards chris
  2. Hi Jackie, Your PPI wasn't with a company called Premier Writers was it? What I can not understand is the fact that despite paying the monthly instalments which should remove some (albieit a tiny amount) of the original loan value, HOW they can still charge an astronomical amount more, and by the sounds of both yours and my redemption figures (and probably hundreds more like us) by a few grand. Did you realise you had signed for it, because when I complained to Imagine, I have just received their reply on it and they have kindly sent all the original copies and conveniently highlighted the areas stating the PPI, which is all good and well, but when the rep is saying "right just one more signiture here and thats it" you just don't check because you are so close to recieving the funds for what ever reason. I wonder how hard the relevant bodies would come down on the high street banks if they behaved as rash and as agressive with their colletions/redemptions team. Know what remortgaged recently and my old mortgage supplier could not have been more helpul and forwarded another cheque well after completion for an oversight they found 2 months later. Sorry for going on but I'm frustrated at things like this and it gives me chance to release some of the problems probably everybody is going through. Where did you send your complaint to? regards chris
  3. Hi everyone, well it's crunch time now:o , so I have my N1 form(s) to complete, just a quick question, do I just fill the forms and hand them in with the relevant fee:( , or do I have to supply evidence at 1st point and inform Nationwide I have submitted a claim:eek: or does the courts forward everything to the Nationwide?:? just a little confused and want to get it right:? regards chris
  4. thanks for the support Bigmac and I may come back regarding the court bundle because from what I have read so far on some threads it looks too complicated to digest at the moment! but I'll just keep reading till it makes sense. regards chris
  5. disco-dolly, you don't work nightshifts like i do do you:eek: , or is it quiter at night to chill out and follow the threads. regards chris
  6. Hi Disco-dolly, any news as I'm just about to put my N1 form in next monday, (time limits up for the LBA) and i would love to be at your stage just to get the bailiffs in for a change, I wonder if they would have an auction if that happened as if the bailiffs come and extract your £1000 plasma tv from your house and give you a market value of £100 then that could be a lot of computers and stationary to hoard:D good luck anyway regards chris
  7. hi midge61, sorry I forgot to say, ask them to supply you with the insurance company who covered the PPI agreement (could be the same as mine in cleckheaton check my thread earlier on) but don't expect any sympathy from them as they tell you to complain to your loan supplier in my case BF and sort of laugh in the background. Just go for it, they can only say sod off and if it's in writing take it to the FOS and the FSA and let them help out, thats what they are there for. Hope this clarifies a few points, but I'm no expert just someone who's trying to get back what I think belongs to me. WATCH this space! Hi pat, wow it looks like you've had a crap time with it, and yes Moanrch Recoveries are part of the Blemain group, because if you contact them they are the collections dept and not the friendliest of low lifes you may have the displeasure of trying to talk to. They are'nt interested in helping just interested in seeing who in the department can make the most debtors squirm for them and beg for forgiveness. I would seek legal advice in this because if you lose control infront of the judge then you will more than likely lose any chance of victory be it small or large. Follow Midge61's advice with the link and keep me informed Good Luck to you both regards once again chris
  8. Hi midge61 I havent got much to report I'm afraid. The problem is with this one, is the fact that at the beginning of the loan the loan seller from Imagine Finance did not inform us of the PPI and we did'nt find out about it until we questioned why the redemption figure was so high with BF. I am currently complaining to Imagine Finance for the miss information we were told regarding early settlement charges, and we are also in the process of informing the FOS and the FSA of this but are allowing a few more day's for a response from Imagine Finance regarding our complaint. I have also informed the insurance company of my dissapointment of the amount received as a refund and I have yet to send my SAR to BF regarding those ridiculous charges which on the reverse of some of their correspondences do not equal any amounts they have charged us and alos we still do not know what formula they used, as we only took the loan out in April 2006 and redeemed it 2 weeks BEFORE it's 1st year anniversary. It get's very annoying but I've got time with this one. will keep you all informed regards again chris
  9. thankyou for that bigmac, I'll wait for my statements as I sent my letter regarding non-compliance of my SAR and that I would seek a court order as Gogivit did. Will let you Know how things progress when I haer anything. regards chris
  10. firstly, andypal, I've been looking all over for this letter and boy oh boy did I find it at the right time. thankyou for that. kjduct, don't try and negotiate as they will have you by the doobies and will probably squeeze so hard you'll have to give in. Remember what could you have done with the money at the time if they had'nt taken it? that direct debit / standing order for £2 which put you 2pence o/d and was returned at a cost of £20-35 (depending on bank) and STILL had to be paid so that £12 cost you £32-47 later because they took the money you did'nt have when they could have paid it and just charged you a couple of quid extra!!!! add that all up by however many you were charged for and in more cases than before thats a good family holiday AND if they had'nt charged so many times thats a better outlook on your credit scoring!!!! You could get that mortgage at the TYPICAL rate NOT as I have endured and had to get a mortgage at a higher rate due to past credit history and in the future it may help more people realise that their not alone in their fight for equality. Shame on the banks. hope you succeed but DON'T barter with them you will end up losing, remember it's YOUR money they are saving for a rainy day, and with the weather recently it looks like more rain on it's way so get your brolley out. Let your other half know that it's the best thing and things don't happen overnight. My missus was the same but she's got the bit between her teeth and as they say you've got to speculate to accumulate. Think of the money they owe you and get it back. Regards chris
  11. hi pete, as LuLA say's ask them for the details you used to have as I had the same problem with the Yorkshire bank but that was my mistake I was a digit wrong, but they did help with my past address etc and which branch i held it at, so they should help you, just don't let on it's because your gonna claim against them or they may be very awkward, as i said I was only a digit out and found my statements just incase they did'nt help, it just puts you back to the start thats all. Keep going, and you'll get there. regards chris
  12. Hi BB, funny that, I spoke to Abbey today asking about the GOGW they offered and if they had recalled it as i sent my rejection letter after receiving thier offer of £1198.00 out of a £7000.00 claim, and having checked my last statement loh and behold they refunded £1035.00, still not enough and when I asked what stage it was at the lady on the other end also stated it was at stage 2 and would be advised the 1st week in August. now i did state (even though she seemed to be wishing me all the best with my claim as if she totally agreed but felt could'nt say too much!) to the lady that as I could'nt check my balance anymore (sent cards back etc long story) I could'nt check if the refund had been returned. However I was informed that it had'nt and I then stated that I would be going ahead with my N! form and filing a claim in the courts, AND I also asked with the GOGW being £1198.00. How come my statement only showed £1035.00? which was made up of 8 * refunds of o/draft charges @ £20,1 refund of cleared cheque @ £35 and 28*refunds of cleared debit transactions @ £30? why not just 1 lump sum? I know it's so that when you do the calculation bit again you have to spend another hour deducting it from your claim., Any way I might just wait a week before I file my claim and give them a little bit longer! NAH only kidding, I'm going for the juggular now:D see you in court (or hopefully not as the case may be) will be watching your progress regards and good luck. chris
  13. Hi Bigmac, just aquick question on your quote above, when you say 'proceeds to court action' do you mean this goes on the N1 form at 1st application or when the court issues a dte for the hearing? sorry if it is old ground but I'm not very good on the site, although I read a lot and remember seeing snippets in posts, but I've read so many it gets hard to remember where or which post I saw certain things on which would remind me, and have only got history of posts I have posted or replied on.:-| regards once again chris
  14. thanks for the advice again Bigmac, I have found the non-compliance letter and printed it to send in the morning recorded delivery of course as per all my others, Oh and I've got the receipts as well. can I add interest on postage:D keep you posted,a nd if I get an offer do I come back to the thread as per the Yorkshire bank Hull thingy as asked? I know the ultimate descision is mine as I havent really thought about these charges as they are from a closed account and well it would be an early christmas prezzie or I can finish off my extention at last!:o best regards chris
  15. Sorry Bigmac, I replied without really finishing my post, as you quoted: "Any claim you raise you must be able to show the transactions where the money was taken" I would have claimed for the months stated on my statements and no others, as you say, I don't have the evidence for these only average amounts as I have stated in my posts 'chrisking1962 v yorkshire bank' but through both your advice and Gogivit I will hold back from taking this route for the time being. best regards chris
  16. thanks for that bigmac & Gogivit, I have'nt received any statements from them yet, but only a complete 'Get Lost' letter, so I think I will send a letter demanding them within 7 day's as you did Gogivit, and threaten them with legalaction regarding non-compliance to the SAR. and I know there's a template in the libraries for this so, here we go again. regards chris
  17. sorry bigmac, I maen I am a maintenance engineer and "Breakdowns" are machine?production stop's for faults etc (usually operator error:D ) any way back to my problem, if i have not received ANY SAR from Yorkshire Bank, do I still wait, or do I go to court for what I have history of and when I eventually get my SAR and relevent statements per say, do I then go for a second claim. And also do I inform the Yorkshire Bank that I have sent my claim into the courts, or doews the courts notify the bank? I am ready to go to court for the 1st stages of the claim for just over £1k and follow on at a later date for the rest on a seperate claim, as I am doing with Abbey 6 years calim 1st, then on pay out go for beyond 6 years from the opening of my account as i have almost all their statements from opening. Sorry if there are too many questions but I could do with some guidence on this as I don't want to wait too long as I started my claim with Yorkshire Bank back in April and I have already sent my LBA due to exceed its time limit in a couple of days then I go to the court. regartds chris
  18. keep going and send your next letter which should be your LBA and then after the 14 days (+ a couple for days for delivery, bearing in mind the postal strike is looming) then if no joy go to court! regards chris
  19. thanks BM, I will hold out for a little while as I have a bigger fish to catch with Abbey, and can wait a little with the Yorkshire as it is an old closed account and don't feel too much worry about this. Trouble when you work shifts, you don't get chance to reply straight away. keep getting called to breakdowns, but keeps me going through these long summer nights oop's sorry I missed it that was a week last thursday:D. I do hope they hurry up with my statements, but if they don't can I still claim for what I have got and add the interest as per the calculations on the site. regards chris
  20. yes the 40 days have long gone and to be honest, because I am currently battling Abbey (already paid £1035 back in individual charges as part payment but told them if not accepted as part payment to take back) and battling Nationwide, I'm not at home with all my paperwork, so can't remember what stage I am at with Yorkshire as to LBA gone or LBA with Non-Conformance letter (I Think) so will keep you posted. Regards chrisking1962
  21. i too am having to go through the section 32 of the limitations act, as I havent received ANY statements at all even though they have cashed the cheque and replied with a Not paying you anything letter! I have averaged my charges over the statements I hold and have then totalled them up over the statement I should have received, and add a bit of interest and voiala a few grand to try to claim, so wish me luck. regards Chris
  22. Hi all, got a reply from Yorkshire Bank to say the usual that after looking won't refund any charges, I knew this was coming as the account has been closed for nearly 5 years.:o But the annoying thing is they have banked the £10 fee and NOT supplied me with the SAR I requested. I have a few statements from when I had the account opened and I have managed to average the charges taken from the statements I have, by totaling the charges and then dividing it by the statements I hold and then multiplying it by the statements I would have if Yorkshire Bank had the decency to send to me. I am now in the process of putting these monthly figures into the interest calculator on the monthly basis. I realise the figure will probably take it over the £5k amount:rolleyes: , but will plumb for a little less to keep costs down. I ahve sent the prelimanary letter and i am waiting a couple of more days to respond with my LBA with the non-conformancy template i have printed off. Question is, do I put the Amount in I am claiming on the letter and inform the Yorkshire Bank that this is an average figure due to non supply of my SAR, as this would more than likely alter when it gets to court, as this is also beyond the 6 year thingy, or do I just send the threat of legal action pending the receipt of my SAR. regards chris
  23. Hi DD, read this thread with interest,well done for most of it and hope you get everything owed if not send the bailifs in (you must be working nights like me) I have just had my reply from Nationwide saying that the usual FSA/FOS rulings etc and that when i opened the account Blah Blah Blah and therefore would not be refunding etc etc. well sending my LBA off today, same for the Yorkshire bank so then I guess it's off to the courts. Although I did recieve a good will gesture from Abbey for £1178 but this is a little shy of the £7k+ I am claiming against them and that doesnt include the claim I intend to put in for before the 6 year limitation, as I dont think the timescale on when you can claim back to comes into it. anyway, once again good luck in your final push and get some sleep. regards chris
  24. got usual no payment will be made sent the other day, sop replied with LBA giving them 14 days to payup or I put claim in to local court. waiting for reply,watch this space, keep you informed. regards chris
  25. sorry the oops bit should have read, my last post regarding the formal part payment of "1178 should have been in my ABBEY post, which I have niw just reposted in the same. sorry about that, so many pies so many fingers. regards chris
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