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Everything posted by emijen

  1. Oh just thought! OR wrote off loans and cards, but i had no debt with my account so i have paid all my bank charges! didn't have so much as an overdraft just getting £30 charges every other day for being skint! does this make any difference?
  2. thanks for the advice everyone, i will be discharged in february 2007 so it is only a few months left, was hoping to go for the whole 6 years worth of charges out of principle, my bank was so unhelpful when things got really bad! Gizmo, i totally understand your view and i have to admit an unaffordable loan and credit cards were my main cause of bankruptcy, unfortunitly i went to the bank for advice rather than an advisor and instead of helping me out of debt they advised a massive loan was my only option, in fact it was so unaffordable i had to promise them that i would reduce my phone bill and cut out my mobile so that i could tick all the right boxes and get the loan, as stupid as it sounds, i should have known better but i had no food in the house and 3 kids to try and feed so i needed a quick fix, biggest mistake of my life!
  3. Speak to an independant financial advisor, they are fantastic. I dealt with resolve and i have to say he took into consideration all my options before deciding on bankruptcy and he was so so nice, he made me feel like i am not the only one out there in this sort of mess. don't forget they deal with thousands of people with the same problems so your not on your own
  4. Hi, I was made bankrupt in February of this year. As soon as i had finished in court i went to my bank and told them what had happened and they changed my account to a basic account then and there. Have to say if your son is on benefits and does not own his own property it will be the best thing for him, but you do have to contact a financial advisor before you take it to court, you can also see the financial advisor type person at the CAB. It's not as painful as you think so chin up!
  5. Hi everyone, i am very new here! My friend has just managed to claim back all her bank charges and has advised me to try. Problem being, I was made bankrupt in February so i am still undischarged, can someone like me claim back all the nasty bank charges like everyone else?
  6. I was made bankrupt in February so i am still undischarged, as my bank was left with my debt i wondered where i stood on trying to claim my charges back?
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