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Everything posted by Neville145

  1. As someone that works for Tesco, they have introduced it to cut down on people abusing the system. ie parking cos its free and walking off to other places such as train stations, work and other shops. They do have access to the DVLA database so if you do go over the limit then you will get a letter. I went to another store who has this installed. Two weeks later I had a letter informing me I was over. The first letter you get is a warning letter. Further letters are penalties. Neville.
  2. Phone an employment solicitor if you dont believe me. Its my daily jobas an Hr Manager and I am a Union Rep so it a good position dont you think.
  3. Even if you are off with genuine sickness you can still be discplined for it regardless of whether or not you have a doctors note. As per the contract, you have to attend work as per your hours. It is your responsibility to attend work. The only time things get taking into consideration is when they are mitigating circumstances ie: in hospital, car crash etc Neville.
  4. As a Pm and Union Rep for a large retail organisation I would if I was you ask: Did you have acknowledgment from them over your changing of hours as this is vital evidence. From what you are saying its your word against theirs. Whilst most Companies will try to accomadate your needs, they are under no obligation to change your hours unless of course sickness, pregnancy and the like come into play. You say your family are muttering constructive dismissal, I would advise that you raise a formal grievance first with the Company as the Employment Tribunal will not attempt to look at your case until you have exhausted your companies procedures for dealing with complaints/grievances. Any probs let me know. Nev
  5. As a Personnel Manager and a Union Rep I may be able to help further. Please email me with further details and Company in question. Neville.
  6. This happened to me last year. I got behind and had a court summons. All I ever did was pay late due to my pay dates not being in sync with the 2nd of every month. I went to court but prior to going in, I was called to another office and Guildford Council offered me a payment plan up to the end of March. It is worth going to see if you can get the same.
  7. Thanks, have just phoned them and quoted that. Whilst I am not refusing to pay the bill, I have managed to spread the payments over a longer term. Thanks for your help. Neville.
  8. If you follow other people on here and email them your first letter or any letter come to think of it, you will get a automated response acknowledging your email. What better way to ensure they have it and proof that they have received it. It worked for me. I emailed [email protected] Good luck. Neville.
  9. I have lived at my home for four years and only just recieved a bill for combined gas and electric. It is a new development and I eventually had to go to energy watch to find out who supplied me as they had all said it was not them. Scottish power now say I owe 1450 which I do not dispute, however I cannot simply pay it in 7 days. I have offered a repayment plan to them via direct debit but they set up the wrong date and it got returned to them. They have now referred it to SPM collections who are actually part of SP. I am willing to go to court if I need to but it was there mistake. My serial number of my box outside was reporting to a house four doors down.
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