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Everything posted by bathgatebuyer

  1. I've had exactly the same thing happen when I was disputing the charges on my Visa account with them. By coincidence I only found out when I went to the bank to pay my credit card bill and there was no money in my current account to pay it, and no arrears shown on the credit card when I got there! Absolutely irritating as hell, but the fine print does say they can do it unfortunately.
  2. I have a Natwest Step Account which has been pretty good so far and has a decent online system where I can check direct debits, standing orders and pay bills. No cheque book, but cheques were part of my problem in the first place if I'm honest!
  3. I once had someone throw my claim form back at me because I didn't fill in some stupid section something or other subsection whatever. "You've not even filled in this part here......" and threw it on the floor in front of everyone. A day later after I re-arranged my appointment to see someone else as opposed to that useless fat bint, the guy who was due to see me at 9.20 am, turned up at 10.30 because 'traffic was bad coming from the east' which was exactly the same direction I'd travelled in and had sod all problems. Anyhow, the guy had someone to see before me who kicked up a stink and had the cheek to say, "Do you think our time means nothing because we're unmployed? I was going to go along and help my grandad go up to the hospital for an appointment, but he's had to go up on his own for this just so you can swan in late and then make yourself a coffee before even seeing any of us - just 'cause I'm unemployed doesn't mean my time means nothing". They called the Police because they said he was threatening, I told the Police he was being 100% honest and was only saying what any decent person would. There were 1 or 2 helpful people in the Jobcentre, but the majority seemed to treat jobhunters and claimants like **** rather than people who had a bit of bad luck.
  4. Darn! My cover is blown! I'm actually the replacement for Jason Bourne, and the 4th film in the series is the Bathgatebuyer (gie's a job) Ultimatum
  5. Found out yesterday that the reference given by the monsters I work for was just a factual one (anything subjective in there and I'm after them!). Still no closer to actually having a firm offer which is so frustrating as everyone I work with knows that I've been offered something and it's openly spoken about in meetings and things. Because of the time I was signed off in April (panic attack and exhaustion as a result of spending a year and a half working and travelling 70 hours a week) I've got to submit an occupation health questionnaire and probably attend a medical. Still, if OH ask, "Why were you exhausted?" the answer should be my saving grace," 140 mile commute every day by public transport along the worst road in Scotland, up at 5 am, home at 8pm, asleep on the sofa within 15 mins (usually fully clothed and with my dinner left on the coffee table waiting to be eaten - oh, I sound hellish like Waynetta Slob :o ) For a job that was originally advertised in April and which I was offered on the 1st August, it's starting to feel like it's never going to happen!
  6. No bus journey is safe either without some chavette belting out and singing along to some rank rotten guff piping out from a tinny sounging phone. Why is it almost that unusual form of dance music that sounds like chipmunks on acid?
  7. Cheers everyone! I got my offer letter through today as well as all the info about their benefits package (woo hoo - 31 days off a year!!!), and I'm going to ring them on Monday ask if all the paperwork has been received ok, and then hand my notice in No more 5 am starts everyday, no more home for 8pm, no more pro-plus and red bull every day, and more importantly, sleep! Yes, the travelling has been a nightmare. Totally unappreciated by my present employer, of course, who suggested my insistance upon travelling rather than moving was a sign of my lack of commitment to my job - rather than an illustration of just how committed I was!!! Timing is perfect too - last week my boss told me that he didn't want me doing a postgrad in my free time (as it was would 'remove my focus from my work') and also to give up being a volunteer, again in my own time. I really can't wait to get away from those controllers!!!!
  8. Hi - cheers for that! I know that my line manager has been asked to pass my reference to HR as only HR can do references in my company at present. For reasons I've put on here before, I've had argie bargies with HR in my present employ (i.e. they told me I would get a car if I went there, after I'd started they changed the car policy which meant that instead of having a nice wee car to drive to work in everyday, I have 6 hours on buses each day of the week - so quite an impact on my physically, emotionally and personally). About 3 months back, I had a panic attack in the office and had an ambulance called and as a consequence was signed off for a fortnight by my GP who said I had exhaustion (something which may not have happened had I not been spending 6 hours a day on buses!). Anyhow, long story short and all that, 3 perfectly good references have been received by the company offering me a job, and it's only my present one that remains outstanding. I told my boss today I could be moving on soon (work will be getting frantic in the next few months and I felt guilty about leaving them in the thick of it) and he said we could negotiate a quick departure as he realises it's better for me if I leave soon, as well as the Project which will be running at 200% within a few months. Hopefully HR just say, "She worked here...............with this job title............on a salary of....................between these dates.........." and I can get back to working in the same city I sleep in without having the 6 county treck everyday.
  9. It sure was - no stalling or "We can't identify your account....." or anything like that. Me and my big mouth have made sure everyone at work knows what to do, has a letter template and we're all asking now! (Think that should ensure I don't have to buy myself any drinks at the Xmas party!)
  10. Hi all, have been successful reclaiming fees from the Halifax in respect of both Visa and a former current account, the Nationwide for a former current account and now I'm trying to sort out the RBOS in respect of a visa card. I've asked for just over £500 and have had 2 responses from them so far. The first was to my prelim letter saying, "Fees in accordance with your terms and conditions...........bla bla............here's an offer of £110 which is the difference between the £20 charged and the £12 recommended by the OFT................." Responded with my LBA saying, "Nope, gimme my money........." and had almost exactly the same respones back from them, "Fees in accordance with your terms and conditions...........bla bla............here's an offer of £110 which is the difference between the £20 charged and the £12 recommended by the OFT................." So, looks like I'm going to have to apply to my local Court to resolve this one! Although I've successfully claimed in several other instances, this is the first time I've used the Scottish system as previously I've used Newcastle Sheriff Court. Has anyone else been successful against RBoS using the Scottish system? If so, have they appeared in Court, or have they typically paid out beforehand / on the steps of the courthouse, etc? Look forward to hearing from you all!
  11. Oh no, I opted for Scotland on Sunday today too!!! After watching the Trvor McDonald programme the other week, I sent off a letter to the RBOS with whom I used to have a mortgage. I didnt even put in my mortgage account number or anything just said, "You're overcharged me, you have to go it back or else........................." and within 4 days the money was put in my account!!!
  12. Hi everyone. Glad to see the Bear Garden back! After 15 months of getting up at 5am - home for 8 pm, spending 6 hours a day commuting for a job I don't particularly enjoy, I've been offered something 20 mins bike ride from home, more money, better conditions, etc.............brilliant, eh? Only problem is that I'm convinced this is all too good to be true! I've been told that they will look for 5 years worth of references which involves 4 employers (hey, don't blame me, I was made redundant in 2003 and got by doing whatever was going!). The company I was made redundant from in 2003 has totally changed with no staff remaining (only Directors based in London and I hardly thing they'll be bothered to do a reference for me), I then did temp work for 9 month working for someone I hated (who has since left the company luckily and I have asked the company who have offered me the job to contact HR direct as there's no one else really to provide a reference)............. Am I worrying needlessly? Have I got so stuck in a rut that pessimism even ruins brilliant news like a new job? Or could some references glitch ruin this offer for me? Interested to hear thoughts!!!!
  13. Shirley Manson (lead singer in Garbage), Ewan Bremner (Spud in Trainspotting), Sir Harry Lauder, and Sean Connery used to be a lifegaurd here when we still had the open air swimming pool. Oh and apparently Olando Bloom went to school here for a bit too.
  14. I've sent off another raft of recorded delivery letters in the past few days too, firstly to Customer Services (Ha ha ha ha ha ha, I jest not, that is their name), again to Benny Higgins and one to the lovely Charlotte Gurnell (she of Halifax / Sainsburys / may not actually exist fame). Reading through them I've went from appearing absolutely sane to going slightly loopy with the phrase "I CANNOT BE RATIONAL WITH YOU ANYMORE AS I AM AT THE END OF MY TETHER WITH YOUR LAW-BREAKING BEHAVIOUR". Hmmm. Maybe I need a holiday.
  15. Well, I've now written to the Halifax and SAinsburys to raise a formal complaint against this individual and confirmation as to whether she is Memebr of the Chartered Institute of Bankers. I intend raising a complaint to them about her unprofessional behaviour................how funny if she wasn't a real person. Honestly, what an amusing afternoon it's been!!!
  16. There's absolutely no terms and conditions attached, no small print, nothing. Just an outline of my address and salary, employers details. Nothing else. The same person in Sainsburys has since sent me a copy of my Halifax executed agreement, however, when I've asked for this for my Sainsburys one, the individual sent out the application form. Despite 5 or 6 letters following this up, I've had nothing back. All I want is to know whether I signed up to PPI at the inception of the account!
  17. Interesting! You do a google search and end up at CAG!!! CAG is literally now the centre of my universe! I too would like to hear about the lesser-spotted Gurnell, that very rare species, commonly found hiding behind standard PC letters churned out en-masse by her and her minions in Halifax. Her natural habitat appears to be an office in Halifax where she displays remarkeable natural camouflage and can hide when any phone rings or letter requires anything other than a standard response. With similar characteristics to a cuckoo, this species feathers her own nest by taking from the nests of others.......... Having had a ridiculous letter from her on behalf of Sainsburys this weekend, I'm livid and very close to travelling to Halifax myself to see if she does actually exist. I've written to her with numerous recorded delivery letters advising that my account is in dispute, providing evidence that the accout is in dispute, and yet all i get are standard letters from her. I wonder what the reaction would be if I raised the issue in court as to whether she was real or not?! Who knows, perhaps she has a standard response letter for that too.
  18. Does anyone know how to go about this?! I've been trying to obtain a copy of my VVA for a Sainsburys Credit Card from them since April without success. They have sent me a copy of my application form but not the agreement. As such, the prescribed terms are all missing. Despite being unable to find out the basic terms and conditions, and also whether I originally requested PPI on this card, I am getting daily communication from Sainsburys on this matter and want to bring it to an end. Can i bring a legal action against them in a Scottish court to ask them to provide this? Or would this be for Trading Standards to do? Any advice?
  19. Had several phone calls from this bunch of sharks yesterday evening who were chasing me for outstanding payments. The guy on the phone from their Debt Collections and Recoveries Team told me he was taking note of my comments and those would be on my file. So, "Will you be forwarding those comments onto someone then, Mr Sainsburys person?" No apparently. They just sit on my file. What use that is I really don't know. I've written 17 recorded delivery letters to them over the past few months and had one application form sent back to me by return which had my name on it and very little else. I explained the seriousness of this while situation to him, but he seemed unable (or unwilling?) to do anything about it. Oh well, time to make it 18 letters with a wee recorded delivery one going to Benny Higgins today. If their Head Man can't sort it, then who will? On another point, does anyone think a solicitors letter to them may focus their mind on this?
  20. You have balls of steel!!! May try this myself with Sainsburys who were asked to provide the CCA on 26 April and have yet failed to give anything other than a copy of an application form.
  21. They've agreed to settle! Woo hoo. halifax appear to be under my spell in respect of the bank charges. Now here's hoping they can pull their finger out over the CCA stuff. As they've failed to suppply me with a copy of the CCA, should I ask for the reclaimed charges as cash and continue to press them under the CCA issue?
  22. Have also sent off my preliminary request for refund of charges today. These total £583. The balance of my card is £2.1K, so it would be nice to have that reduced to a more manageable sum! Here goes!
  23. Me too, fellow BB person! In my instance it's for nearly £2K worth of PPI fees paid on a credit card. They've not been able to produce a CCA and so I have no way of knowing whether I originally asked for it or not when taking the card out in 2001. Regardless, despite claiming more than once, they've never paid out on the basis that I hadn't been with employers longer than 6 months before unemployment (last in, first out situations!). So, I'm asking for it back.
  24. Good luck! I'm going to be putting my claim in with Edinburgh Sheriff Court in over the next few days, so hopefully we'll both be celebrating fairly shortly!
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