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Everything posted by maribrwn

  1. Hi Everyone, Help please - what's my best option? I've received 2 copies of a letter from Mrs Wanda Ham, Customer Relations Manager, Borehamwood offering me "a refund of charges amounting to £399.42 as a gesture of goodwill". The same letter has accepted my monthly payment offer to pay my unagreed overdraft back and I'm fine with that but far I've calculated my charges to be considerably more than the amount offered. There is a back page asking me to sign whether or not I accept their terms and they will refer by response to the Financial Ombudsman Service. Should I accept the offer or, without sounding greedy, can I get more? :? Cheers Mari
  2. Hi If at first you don't succeed....give 'em hell!!! I intend to. Best wishes Mari x
  3. Thanks for your advice Karne and sorry about the title Mari x
  4. Hello, I have been trying to sort out my elderly Mum who has dementia which has taken up most of my spare time, so haven't posted on the forum for a while. However, I have received a "Notice of intention to file a default and to take action to recover debt" letter from NatWest. They are giving me 28 days from 6th September to make payment arrangements as I had an unagreed overdraft of £632 which has now gone up to £700, even though I paid £40 into the account. I received my statements a month ago and have been going through the charges taken but haven't submitted anything to the bank. I feel I cannot ignore this letter - they are asking me to phone but I've been down this route before and got nowhere. I would be grateful of any advice and guidance as to what to do next.
  5. Hi Trudianne I'm at the same stage as you - requested statements. I managed to open a basic card/cash account through Barclays with no frills. I also had a similar offer from Alliance & Leicester. I chose Barclays because the Co. I work for bank with them. (Personally, I think all banks are Robbers!) I also have a poor credit rating because I apparently owe money to Reader's Digest for a book I have NEVER received! So GO FOR IT and Good Luck to us both. Best wishes, Mari
  6. Hi Natweststaffmember, Thank you for your advice. There was no name to the letter by the way - just a scribbled signature and I replied by fax basically saying 'get your facts right, update your records and get off my back'. I have requested the statements I cannot find to get ready for the next stage. Regards Mari
  7. Hi Yes, I took them into my branch on 29/07/06, as requested by Collections. The branch spoke to Collections on my behalf to try and make an arrangement but they didn't want to know.
  8. Hi, I've received yet another letter from NatWest Birmingham Collections, saying they have been trying to phone me; return my cheque book and servicecard which I did on 29/07/06. Are they just stalling? The letter then says, "It is important to note that if the position is not resolved within the next seven days formal regulatory notices will be issued in accordance with the provisions of the Consumer Credit Act." blah blah As I have spoken to 'Collections' on 4 occasions, once via my branch,and I realise this is a computer generated letter, is this something I should respond to regarding the 'formal regulatory notices' or should I just carry on getting my case together? Thanks
  9. Thanks Isobel. I agree this is a wonderful website and good luck with your claim. Mari
  10. Thanks again Michael - I'm just sorting through files. Mari
  11. Hi, Just a quick question to - do on-line statements count in court? I've found most of my statements but some are missing. Thanks
  12. Hi, you should be able to get a basic card/cash a/c. - I got offered Alliance & Leicester and Barclays. Apologies Shellbells for interupting your thread.
  13. Hi I've recently been robbed of my whole salary and NatWest still want more! I've tried negotiating with to try and get some of my money to live on plus transportation to work but they won't budge and haven't offered any way out except take more money off me from my next salary; but tough!! because I've opened another account for my August salary so that I can be in charge of my money. I have received a complaint form from the Financial Ombudsman Service but don't know if this is worth a try. Has anyone been down this route? I'm really not sure where to start but I have my last six months statements from on-line and I've noted £1,739.68 in charges up to last Saturday 29/07/06. I'd like to request all of my statements from the start of my account. - It this best done in writing enclosing their fee for this? So far I haven't had much luck with phone calls. The Collections dept were quite pushy and rude with me over the phone a couple of weeks ago and wanted me to borrow some money from a friend of relative. Their suggestion was that if someone would be willing to pay any amount from £332 to £1200 they would phone them and get the money paid straight into my account. I couldn't think of anybody and the guy from Collections never phoned back. As I said before, I'm really not sure where to start so if writing to NW requesting past statements is a good place to start, should I use one of the letter templates? Thanks Mari
  14. Hi Welly Thanks for your support. I have opened another bank account and arranged for my August salary to be paid there (tough s**t NatWest - I won't be conned twice!). I have received a complaint form from the banking ombudsmen service and I'm not sure whether to go this route as well, as I feel this website group will offer more support. I'm off the to NatWest forum. Speak soon. Mari
  15. Thanks for replying Welly and I will look through the various threads, and all I've looked at so far are very informative. On my last visit to my branch (29/07/06) to return my cheque book and card, at their request, the branch phoned Collections to try to make an arrangement so I could get some money but they refused - point blank. Collections have given me until 21st August (my next salary date) to pay back the unagreed overdraft and if I can't pay then they will take me to Court and get a Bailiff to call. Is this a Bluff? Yes, I want to take my time and get everything submitted correctly but now I am worrying that I may not have much time to prepare my case.
  16. Hi, I've very recently become a victim of the NatWest robbing bank! Their charges have left me with no money to live on after they took my July Salary. I've looked at my bank charges for the last 6 months and I am angry and shocked at what I see. Can anyone please advise how I go about logging my complaint with the Court Many thanks.
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