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  1. Many thanks for your replies. Brilliant news, you have brightened up my day. Thank you!
  2. Thanks for your reply. They would have got more money out of me too but the way they were torturing my parents really was horrendous. I'm not sure why I'm bothered but what would the situation be if they managed to get in a sneaky CCJ? Yes its full of charges etc but didnt realise I could have reclaimed, I keep getting letters from Halifax re PPI but I thought it could be a trap so never bothered.
  3. WOW! Fast replies, many thanks. I have no intention of returning to the UK but I really dont want to just disappear which is why I initially contacted them. Once they started calling my parents my blood started to boil. I just started disputing the debt and asked for information, I live in the EU but out of the UK, sorry not being too specific just yet. I cant easily get postal orders sent out and dont have a cheque book for the CCA but might have to try. Their reply was below. To be honest I cant remember signing it as was so long ago. I scrubbed off my signature and other personal info but as far as I'm aware this is all they have. Lots of interest and charges and I have paid lots towards it, they sent me a statement too. Good afternoon, Thank you for your email. Detailed below is the former Lloyds account we hold. Reference – Lloyds Banking Group PLC (Halifax credit Card) – Balance £4k ish! Please find attached to this email the agreement and a statement for the account which you had requested. Please let me know how you wish to proceed with this matter after reviewing this information. I have suspended collections on the account for 14 days pending your response, after this time collections shall resume. I look forward to your response. Kind regards
  4. Hello, I'm looking for a little help if possible. I currently live out of the UK and have Lowell on my case, I contacted them actually as was in a payment plan and stopped it for a few years as was moving etc. Since I contacted them they have been horrific, wished I had just stayed quiet to be honest and I have paid more than my due as interest has been added over the years. I'm now in the mood to challenge. I have asked for proof and this is what they sent. Would anyone in the know look over this credit agreement if possible, I see a signature is missing but anything else and would you think it is enforceable? Many thanks in advance for any help with this.
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