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Everything posted by collins1983

  1. i tried equifax it wont accept my card number..... bugga
  2. when i used experian earlier this year it showed the default. If a default were on my report what Noddle would show it in public information ?
  3. Hello Silverfox this is what it says on my Public information Bankruptcies and Insolvencies You have no Bankruptcies or Insolvencies recorded on your report. Judgments You have no Judgments recorded on your report. Also in the credit report history there are no defaults only searches from general insurance companies. ( due my car im guessing ) I used Noddle. do you suppose this means they removed the default? is Insolvency another term for default? please excuse my lack of intelligence. thank you
  4. ah thanks Silverfox ill check the credit file now. my experian has expired so i will use one of the other options.
  5. Thank you for moving the thread. I dont have the exact date of the default, but i do know it was before my son was born in dec of 2006. the default was put on my account in the 8th month of last year, how can they put a default on my credit score after such a period of time? Thanks
  6. Hello all I am having a dispute over a loan that was last acknowledged in 2006. Last year i started to get letters from Lowells saying i owed close to 7k. I sent them a statute barred letter and noticed a default was put on my account in the August of last year by Lowells. I have now been receiving letters every couple of months from Lowells saying We're looking into your query... blah blah blah Then today i received a letter dated the 16th of may saying We have replied to your query we wrote to you recently with answers to your query and we can now sort out a payment plan. I called them to tell them i had not received the reply. I didnt go any further or be dragged into any conversation other than to ask them to resend the reply as i had not received it. they said they would resend the reply which was dated the 2nd of may, and guess what? i had 14 days to reply ! isn't that quite the coincidence. I am now awaiting their reply to my query, which i am guessing is some sort of dodgy payment i have never made ( I have heard they use this tactic ). I guess I am just wondering what my next step should be? I thank any of you that take the time to look at this for me. Collins1983
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