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Everything posted by heroness

  1. still giving problems, they said they delivered on the 13 July still haven't got it. Cancelling don't happen. Went to my credit card company and told they give me back my money and going to claim the money back from them. I will never order from them again and please take this advice don't!
  2. I still haven't received my order replied with more emails and tried to cancel it. Told they would cancel it last week and checked stauts it was in cancellation. Then today i checked and it was back in processed again. I re sent email again for the order and said i will take it further with my credit card company if i dont get my order. What o i do now, thanks
  3. Hello I place an order with them on the 11/5/2013 and sent 5 emails asking for my items's and get the email responce that a reply will follow and someone will get back to me. I've ordered 5 times with them and no problems and now i don't know i want my good because of the cheap prices at 30% off. What should i do any help please
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