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Everything posted by Artan

  1. I ended up calling the company as they did not actually state there was a debt in their letter and who knows, I may have been left a fortune! No fortune but a minor O/D with Barclays which had accumulated thousands in charges. I refused to handover more contact details and insisted they put me through to someone now or I would let my solicitor contact them. I was put through to someone and asked why this debt was not subject to the Limitation Act 1980, section 5 and he folded completely and said he would close the matter. I asked how he had got my address and then asked that he put on the case notes the fact that I would consider any further contact to me or my family as a breach of teh Protection from Harassment Act 1997. Thank you so much for all your help and advice... it was a fun phone call to make
  2. The Executors are my brother and sister I think? This debt was in my father's name though and he has been dead these 7 years and more, the debt cannot be chased now can it? They cannot chase the Estate for it can they?
  3. Thank you so much, I just wanted to make sure I could call them to discuss the matter without it meaning I was acknowledging the debt.
  4. Hello I received a letter on Friday addressed to The Executor of The Estate of the Late Mr (My Dad), they are chasing a debt and want me to call them about it. My father died on Boxing Day 2005 and I was not the Executor of the The Estate either as I am the youngest of 6 siblings, my eldest brother and middle sister were named to hold the estate in trust for the rest of us. Should I call them and tell them that due to the Limitation Act 1980 they can not chase me?
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