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Everything posted by fxmaster

  1. Yes, they have tried to get me call center jobs as well which i would never be able to do as i don't have the confidence for that type of work. Instead of the government wasting money on third party programs they really need to spend money elsewhere to try and get people jobs.
  2. When i first got offered to do a workshop i agreed because i wanted to show that i am motivated, but when i returned she tried to say i didn't attend when i did, then she said she wants to put me on more, she actually wanted to put me on a, anger management, anxiety, confidence, depression work shop which was just laughable, my adviser was a bully, but now i am being referred onto another adviser because she got laid off.
  3. It's probably the reason why they want him to come in.
  4. So i went in today and the women i mentioned in my post is no longer working there, probably didn't meet her targets. They said they left a voice mail which never happened.
  5. My adviser doesn't look at my skills although she has my cv, i am in again today so she'll probably be on my case again sending me for more jobs i won't be able to do. I think the money which goes into funding ingeus companies will be better off spent upgrading the job centre for people looking for work. Ingeus don't have a clue they aren't professional and they don't understand the conditions their clients have.
  6. Yes i am on the WRAG, she's even stooped to try and make me apply for a leaflet distribution job, and she's so ignorant she doesn't even know that most leaflet distribution jobs are commission based so if no one goes in to the shop your not going to be having a job for long! I am in again tomorrow and she will probably give me more workshops which i don't need, i keep telling her i want unskilled work, not engineering or telemarketing, or skills which requires years off university to actually require the skills. And most importantly i want a job which i will be in for years to come and not jobs where i am not going to be sure if i am still going to have a job the next day i am in...
  7. Wait till you fail and have to wait months to appeal.... does anyone pass the medical?
  8. Ingeus just makes me feel depressed my adviser treats me like rubbish puts me on jobs which i won't even last a day on, keeps putting me on the most boring workshops(she actually tried to put me on for every single workshop they did). If i could do the jobs they are asking me to do i wouldn't be on ESA..... And she hands my number companies who are probably attached to ingeus setting me up with interviews which again i won't be able to do. They send me on interviews with out even telling me what the role is, these people are so frustrating they shouldn't be aloud to run the way they do.
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