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Everything posted by ninja51

  1. Here's an update on the above story... please can anyone tell me if this is pretty standard practice. I posted a recorded delivery letter to Red DCA that stipulated that the debt discussed in the above posts is SB (using the templates from this site). I have not heard back from Red yet. However, it seems odd to me that 1st Credit have now jumped on the bandwagon and I have received a "sniffing" letter saying that my address has been supplied as a possible address "for their subject" and could I contact them to confirm whether or not I am who they are looking for. Then it goes on to say that if no response is received to their letter, they will continue to hold my address and may issue further letters. So... any advice as to what's my best plan for this ? Cheers all.
  2. Thanks DD. So what would have flagged up to make them do a search of my credit file in the first place?
  3. Cheers Spamheed... I should have said, yes it was a straightforward unsecured credit card card default. As I say, my credit file now shows no records of defaults or CCJs... perhaps there were some records back within the six year time frame. I dunno... I didn't look!
  4. Hello everybody... I'm a newby on here and would be interested to hear any thoughts on my story... I'll precis it so as not to make it appear like War & Peace! Back in January 2004 I emigrated to NZ leaving behind a couple of debts (like you do!) For quite a while my folks were targeted with letters from creditors and later DCA's chasing payment. (My folks address was registered as my last known UK address and I left no forwarding address in NZ). These letters were simply returned or binned and I believe there were a couple of knocks on my folks door seeking to speak with me. No info was divulged as to my whereabouts and I received no letters at all in New Zealand and no communication was entered into. Eventually letters and callers ceased. Last August (2012) I returned to the UK after over eight years away. I succesfully opened a bank account and was given a credit card which led me to believe that my credit file must have been pretty clear with no CCJs or Defaults showing. Needless to say something must have flagged up because now I have received letters from both Lowell and Red (yes, I know they're the same outfit) demanding settlement of Barclaycard account which was originated back in 1982. I can see from my credit file that Lowells did an un-recorded search in October last year (just after I opened the new bank account) and have finally discovered my present UK address - hence the letters. Funny thing is, Lowells statement says "Opening Balance on 1st October 2008: £XXXX." I'm prepared to communicate with them using the letter templates, but I'm seeking advice as to whether to request the original signed agreement (which will be dated 1982) or whether to claim that this debt is statute barred? And what has this magical date of 2008 got to do with anything? I was happily living in NZ at that time! Any thoughts greatfully received.
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